JJ pounces on me as soon as I open the apartment door. “What didyoudo last night?”
I’m not in the mood for an inquisition, but there’s no escaping JJ when she’s on a mission.
“I… I went to Maddox’s place.” I try to walk past her, needing to brush my teeth and shower. It may be the weekend, but I still want to feel like myself rather than some washed-up, emotionally hungover version of me.
“And?” JJ presses.
I bite my lip. “And I stayed there. I’m back now.” I want to talk about Maddox and my night with him, but I know I’ll have to tell her the part about Jared showing up, and that part still hurts.
She slides her arm into the O I’ve created with my hand on my hip and steers me toward the couch. “Oh, my little horny BFF. Details, girl.”
She drags me across the room, and her excitement is infectious, but I know it’s going to come to a screeching halt when I tell her about Jared. I have to.
“Jared came over here.”
JJ stops a short two feet from the couch. “That little fucking weasel?”
“Yeah, that one. I kicked him out, but just seeing him…” I swallow, take a deep breath. “Anyway, it fucked with my head. I needed to vent, and Maddox…” I hold my hands out, palms up.
Her eyes narrow. “Oh, that little fucker. Jared, not Maddox,” JJ clarifies.
“Yeah. Fucking Jared.” I sink down onto the couch. Wait a minute. “Did you talk to Justin? Or go out with him?”
JJ’s cheeks turn red. I’ve never seen her blush in the four years I’ve known her, so that’s saying something.
I let out a squeal. “Ooh! You went out with him! And?”
JJ’s gaze slides toward her bedroom door before she pulls it back to focus on me, but I don’t miss it. Looks like I’m not the only one who got lucky last night.
“Well, we umm…” JJ flounders. It’s the first time I’ve seen her tongue-tied over a guy.
“He’s still in your bedroom, isn’t he?” I waggle my eyebrows.
JJ shrugs, but a little smirk spreads over her lips. “Technically, he came over this morning, not last night. But maybe we should do the polite thing and wait until he leaves before we talk about him.”
I snicker. She has a point. Let the man do the walk of shame instead of hearing gossip.
“Let’s talk about you instead. So, are you and Maddox a thing now? Are you finally giving in to what everyone else can see?” She raises a knowing brow.
I think I am. I’m still not over everything withThe Incident, and I’m not sure I’m going to be able to openly take him as my date to the wedding. Plus, the whole bet thing. I like him. I really do.
So much so that I want to toss the bet out the window, if the fifty grand were just for me. But I’ve been thinking more about everything with Julio, and now I’m conflicted. I’ve loved Julio for longer than I’ve known Maddox. The kid needs a home, and this fifty grand could let me give him one.
What’s the saying? The ends justify the means?
I open my mouth to answer JJ when there’s a scuffling noise from inside JJ’s bedroom. I muffle a giggle with my hand.
JJ, for her part, looks completely unashamed at having a man in there. “Well, if you’re wavering at all on Maddox, I already have another date lined up for this weekend. Remember the guys you looked at on the app the other day? You thought that guy Zachary was a good option for a wedding date. You have a date with him tomorrow night, so let me know now if I should cancel.”
I do remember that one from the app. He seemed like a good option to facilitate the winning of this bet.
For Julio. This amount of money would be life-changing for me, sure, but even more so for Julio. I can’t turn my back on it without feeling like I’m failing him again.
“Go ahead. Set it up. I can’t wait to meet Zachary.” I do my best to muster enthusiasm.
JJ’s finger hovers over her phone. “What about Maddox?”