Holly blushes as she tilts her head to lean into my hand. “Okay.”
I don’t believe her even a little bit. She’s going to go home and think of all the reasons she can to regret what we did.
“Seriously. You start to overthink this, or regret anything, you call me. We’ll talk it through. Don’t spiral.”
She nods.
I pull her in for a kiss, finishing by brushing my lips across her forehead. “Text me when you get home.”
I watch her as she walks down the hallway, waits for the elevator, and steps inside. I wave as the doors close, even though I’m not sure if she can see me. Once she’s gone, I shut my apartment door and lean up against it.
We’re there. I think we’re there.
She came to me this time. She wanted it, the same way she did the first time we met. And it was better than that first time, at least for me. The connection was deeper. Even this morning, when things might have been warped by the harsh morning light, we were still on the same page, or at least it seemed that way.
Is this real? If she’s willing to give this a shot, it seems almost too good to be true.
* * *
There’s a poker tournament coming up, a big one, in Vegas. The guys and I are planning to go. This one has the potential to be a big payday, especially with the chance of picking up some more sponsors if I do well.
But now I’m rethinking everything. Maybe I shouldn’t leave town right now. Maybe I should stay here, spend more time with Holly. Poker will always be there. If I mess things up with Holly, I’ll regret it forever. I send a text message to the group to get a feel for what they all think.
Card Sharks
Considering pulling out of the Vegas tournament next week.
The replies fly back almost instantly, fast and furious.
Miller: WTF? Why???
Cam: Bad idea, man. How come you’re considering?
Blake: This is a big one, Mad. You’re going to be shooting yourself in the foot if you pull out.
Cam: Is this about the girl?
Blake: What girl? The one you’ve been moping around about?
Miller: If you mess up your career because of a girl, you’re going to regret it.
Cam: …unless it’s THE girl.
Blake: Seriously, details, man.
Miller: I need more details too. Cards and drinks tonight?
Cam: Sure. We can meet at my place.
Blake: I’m in.
Cam: Maddox, bring Doritos.
I toss the phone on the bathroom counter and turn on the shower. I should go to this tournament. They’re right. Itisa big deal, and potentially a huge payday, but only if I can keep my mind focused. My game has been off lately, so this could also turn into a huge disaster.
I feel like I’ve finally gotten to a place with Holly where we have a real shot, where she’s given up on the bullshit idea of finding someone who will love her more than I will.