Page 36 of Going All In

He looks me right in the eye, winks, and says, “King.” He points to the card.

I nod, smiling as I put the markers over the ones he got right. We’re down to one card to guess, and Dad and Josie have three. I cross my fingers.

The entire group is now gathered in the living room, other than Cam, who left about an hour ago to head back to the city early. Judy and Addie are heavily engaged spectators, leaning over the board to whisper suggestions, while Chris, Josie’s wife, is reading a book and paying no attention to the building rivalry.

Josie guesses the two clues that Dad gives her, and now we both have one card left. He has to get this one. Our clue is Venus, which should be simple, right? Just sayplanetand move on. Butmercuryis on there, too, and I don’t want him to guess that.

I think. Venus razors? Would he have any clue? Or maybe Venus flytrap, but I don’t know ifflytrapis technically one word or two, and I don’t want to lose on a technicality.

Did I mention I’m a little competitive?

Venus di Milo, but only an art history nerd like me would get that. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I chew my lip as I try to figure out which one he’d guess.

Is Maddox most likely to know about women’s hygiene products, self-help books, classic art, or botany?

These are not the choices I was hoping for.

He has two sisters, so hoping for the best, I say, “Razor.”


Now he’s looking at me like I have two heads. I should have saidflytrap. Ormilo.

Maddox silently reaches out and tapsVenus.

I let out an excitedwhoop. “Yes! That’s it. We win! Best out of five!”

Maddox chuckles. “You didn’t want to say flytrap?”

* * *

We clean up the game as we finish our drinks. Josie pulls Chris out of her chair and the two head silently upstairs to bed. Addison gives everyone a hug before she disappears up the stairs, too.

I stand up and stretch. “We should get going. Thank you so much for having us, Judy. This was so much fun.”

“Of course, Holly. It was my pleasure. You’re welcome here any time, you know.” She looks down at her watch and frowns. “I think you two missed the last train, though.”

I pull out my phone to check the time. There are a few texts from JJ and one from Justin, but my attention is focused on the time. 11:44. She’s right. The last train left Ardmore at 11:13. Crap. Now what do we do? It’s going to be expensive as fuck to get an Uber all the way back to the city.

I look at Maddox. He looks way too happy about this for some reason, which makes me suspicious.

“Darn. Do you mind if we stay here tonight?” Maddox asks cheerfully.

“Oh, of course. I think it’s just your old room that’s available, though. Josie and Chris took her old room, Addie’s in her room, and Robert and I…” Her cheeks color slightly as she trails off, but they’re in their sixties and both have been married before and have had kids.

No one is under the illusion that they’re saving themselves for marriage here. But also, no one wants to think of their parents… you know.

Hold on. Forget Dad and Judy sharing a bed.

Did she say there’s only one bedroom?

Maddox nudges me. “You can take my room. I’ll show you where it is.”



The walls of the staircase are lined with pictures: posed graduation and holiday photos, candid shots of all of us growing up. I sweep my gaze over them as I walk up the carpeted stairs, gesturing for Holly to follow me.