Page 25 of Going All In

“I’m back in town. You still up for dinner this week?” I ask as soon as Holly answers her phone.

No time for pleasantries. I hold the phone between my shoulder and my jaw as I dump a load of clean laundry onto my bed from the laundry basket.

We got back to town yesterday after a very long weekend that ended up being fairly lucrative for all three of us. My sponsors will be happy with my performance. Honestly, though, I’m surprised I was able to focus at all. My mind is so absorbed with Holly these days.

Holly sounds like she’s somewhere downtown, the sounds of traffic audible in the background.

“Sure, if we can find a time. I’m busy tomorrow. Wednesday is Thanksgiving eve, so I’m going out with JJ. Then Thanksgiving at your mom’s house.”

“Whatcha doing tomorrow?” I try for a casual tone. It sounds like I’m slurring my words, and I cringe. Jesus, it’s five in the evening, and I’m not even drinking.

“Um, I have a date,” she says softly.

Of course she does. She doesn’t sound excited about this one, but who would after the disaster she described from her last date?

“Another online dating find?” I sort through the clean clothes. I should hire someone to do this, but I have a very precise way I like to fold things, and none of the housekeepers I’ve hired in the past have ever gotten it exactly right.

“Yeah. His name is Justin.”

I fold a pair of socks together, then look closer and realize they don’t match. I unfold them and toss both back on the pile. “Interesting.”

Holly laughs, the sound going right to my balls. “Yeah. He seems like a nice guy. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Sure, she will. Is it wrong for me to hope the guy is another limp dick like the one she went out with last week?

I realize I’m gripping the washcloth I’m folding so hard my knuckles are white and force myself to relax. “Sounds good! Have fun.” It does not sound good. I do not want her to have fun. “Are you planning to take the train to Ardmore on Thursday?”

“Yeah, I am. Want to coordinate so we can ride together? I was thinking of bringing a pie, but on public transport…” She trails off, and I can picture her hands out, palms up. “Anyway, I decided I’m just going to bring wine. That seems safest.”

I stare at a shirt as she hangs up. Why does it look all wrong? It takes me a minute before I realize it’s inside out. By the time I get it turned correctly, I’ve lost motivation to fold it, but I force myself to do my best.

Because I can do laundry. Because I’m a catch.

I just need her to figure that out before I completely fall apart.

* * *


Train leaves 30th Street at 10:45 or 12:45. Think we should be there at 11:05 or 1:05?

What time is dinner?

I’ll text Mom.


Hi Mom- what time for dinner Thursday? Or what time should I be there?

Dinner’s at 4. Come anytime. Josie and Chris get here Wednesday morning.


Dinner’s at 4. My sister and her wife will be there Wednesday night, so I feel like I should get there earlier in the day to provide a buffer. Is 10:45 okay with you?

Sure. I’ll see you then.

What’s your sister’s name? I’ve met Addison, but you said there’s another one?