Page 74 of Going All In

With a glance out the window, I can see that the snow is starting to pile up. She must be somewhere in the hotel still.

I find Addie standing with Josie and Chris at the bar on the other side of the room, away from Ashley, deep in conversation with Cam. They all turn to smile at me as I walk up.

“Have you guys seen Holly?” I ask with no preamble.

They exchange a confused look.

“No. Why?” Addie brings her drink to her lips.

I pull my hand through my hair. “Because Ashley is here. And I think she might have said something to Holly. I don’t know what, but now Holly isn’t answering my calls.”

They all stare at me. Cam has a smirk on his face, but Josie is the first to break the silence. “Um. Is there something we need to know? What’s going on between you and Holly?”

“They’re fucking,” Addie says, and we all whirl to face her. “What?” She shrugs. “It was obvious at Thanksgiving that you were into each other. I don’t know why you’re trying to be all sneaky about it.”

Dammit. “Addie, we’re not fucking. I’m in love with the girl. Now help me find her.”

For the millionth time in my life, I’m grateful for my siblings. Addie jumps into action, leaving her drink on the bar while she takes off into the hallway to search. Josie heads for Mom to let her know what’s going on, so she doesn’t freak out when we all disappear.

Cam and Chris exchange a glance—the usual one they share, that says they just might regret hitching themselves to this family’s shitshow—then head in different directions to search.

Where could she be?

* * *

I hear her laughter first. Not Holly’s. That high-pitched, sickly-sweet fake laugh. I heard it way too many times during the year we were married, and if I never hear it again, it would be a blessing that couldn’t come soon enough.

Ashley is standing in a group of men—of course—with the charm turned up high. When I tap her on the shoulder, she spins around.

“Maddox! Hi!” she squeals.

I wince, her voice already giving me a headache. “Ashley. What the fuck are you doing here?”

Her eyes are wide as she tries to look innocent. “I’m here to celebrate Judy’s wedding. I’m happy for her.”

“You know what? Be happy for her. I don’t even care that you’re here. But I will not fucking stand for you telling people you’re my wife.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“But I—”

“No, Ashley,” I cut her off. “There’s nobut anything, no excuses. Our marriage was a mistake. You know that as well as I do. You are no longer my wife. You never were much of a wife, anyway. How did you find out about this wedding in the first place?”

Her gaze moves quickly to one of the men in the circle, then back, but I caught it.

My cousin Brett. He’s an asshole, and that’s being kind. I’m about ninety percent sure Ashley slept with him while she was married to me, among the other men she fucked behind my back. He’s a little weasel, and he’s always had a problem with me—actually, with my sisters, too—but I never thought he would stoop so low.

“Both of you leave. Now.” I look Brett directly in the eye, so he knows without a doubt that I’m talking to him.

He doesn’t even argue, just sets down his beer and nods to the other guys, who are watching this unfold with varying levels of amusement.

I watch to make sure they vacate the ballroom, then look around the room to see if Holly has resurfaced. She hasn’t.

* * *

Addie finds me in the hallway between the ballroom and the hotel lobby. “Hey, Maddox. I have a lead.”

“Yeah?” I ask, pulling at my hair. I’ll take anything.

“She booked a room. They won’t tell me the number, but maybe you’ll have better luck. Either way, she’s here.”