Page 49 of Going All In

At least the question shuts him up for now. I hadn’t heard about this latest breakup, but it’s one in a long series for the two of them. We’re all waiting for him to cut his losses and leave her for good.

They break up and get back together at least once a month, if not more frequently. I have no idea what keeps him going back to her, and he won’t tell me.

“So, we can set you up with someone?” Blake presses.

Cam frowns as he passes another sedan. “Fuck no.”

I roll my eyes, but I’m just glad the focus has shifted away from me. Miller and Blake move on to talking about the hotel rooms in Atlantic City, and I tune out a bit. It’s always the same, after all. We book two adjoining rooms, two beds each. We fight over who sleeps where. Cam and I end up sharing one room, and Miller and Blake end up sharing the other.

Every. Single. Time.

I’m not even sure why we bring it up anymore.

“So, in other news,” Cam says, putting his turn signal on, “I found a sweet gig for me and one of you.”

This is news to me.

“Yeah?” I look over at him, but he’s focused on the road for once.

“Yeah. They have this thing where they hire pros to teach people to play poker in exchange for a deal on the vacation package.”

“And where is this gig, exactly?” I’m always up for something new, and it does sound like a good deal, at least on the surface.

“Cruise ship.” Cam merges into the left lane again while I hold on for dear life.

I’ve never been on a cruise, but from the nausea that’s rising in my stomach from the way Cam is driving, I can imagine I’d be the kind of person who gets seasick. “Maybe. When?”

“They run the cruises all the time, but there’s a bunch over spring breaks and such. I just signed up to be notified for openings. They usually want at least one pro and a dealer, so it’s perfect for two of us.”

* * *


What are you up to?

In AC for another poker tournament this weekend.

Oh. When will you be back?

Tomorrow, probably by like 6pm. Everything okay?

Yeah, everything’s fine. Just wanted to see what your thoughts were on wedding presents.


You forgot, didn’t you?

Yeah. But in my defense, I technically haven’t been invited.

They’re not doing invites. It’s family only.

Okay, okay, I’ll figure something out.

It’s like two weeks away.

I bet Josie got something. I’ll text her and see if she’ll make it be from all of us. That’s what she does every Christmas for Mom’s gift when we forget.

* * *