Good morning, beautiful. Do you want me to pick you up on the way to 30th street station or meet me there?
When I slip out of the shower ten minutes later, there’s no response yet, but I know how to get one.
I’ll plan on picking you up unless you tell me otherwise, okay?
I’ll meet you there.
I grin. So she is pissed at me, although she hates being told what to do regardless of how she’s feeling toward me. Good. Anger is a strong emotion. So is love. They’re not that different from one another. And with any luck, she’s not mad at me, but at herself, too. That we can work with. It’s easier to go from anger to love than from indifference to love.
Now, don’t think I’m a total dick trying to manipulate her emotions. I’m not. I’m stacking the deck in my favor, sure, but I’d never force anything she didn’t want. My goal is just to make sure she has all the available information before she decides. Like I’ve said, I’m all in here. And you don’t go all in unless you’re fairly certain things are going to work out in your favor and are ready to do what whatever it takes to to make sure it does.
* * *
I wave across the terminal to Holly, who looks about as happy to see me as a bear emerging from hibernation. Maybe she got woken up by a banshee screech of an alarm, too.
“I got your ticket,” I say when she gets close enough to hear me without my having to yell.
She snatches it out of my hand. “I can buy my own ticket, Maddox.”
“I know. But I was here, and I bought it. I got one for Cam, too.” As I say his name, I see him approaching and raise my hand in a wave.
Holly’s arms cross over her chest, her gorgeous face twisted in a frown. She narrows her green eyes at me.
“Hey. If you’re mad at me about last night, I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it?” I’m not actually sorry, not one bit. It was an amazing kiss.
She blows out a breath. “I’m… it’s not you. Not entirely, at least.”
“Oh?” I tilt my head.
She shakes her head. “No. It’s—” She breaks off as Cam approaches us.
“Hi, you must be Holly. I’m Cam, Maddox’s best friend.” Cam offers his hand.
Holly shakes it but doesn’t offer any pleasantries.
I start us moving toward the train platform. “Do you want to talk about it on the train? I’ll get rid of this wing nut.” I motion to Cam, who groans good-naturedly.
She gives me a small nod, looking between Cam and me. “I mean, if he’s okay with it.”
Cam is already slowing down, putting some distance between us with an understanding smile. “I’ll sit far away with headphones.”
We settle into our seats for the thirty-minute ride out to the Main Line. That’s what it’s called, this section of the Philadelphia suburbs, because the main rail line goes through the towns. Never said we were a creative bunch. Cam, true to his promise, heads in a different train car after giving me a wink, and Holly and I manage to find a seat where we can sit next to one another.
“So?” I give her leg a nudge with my thigh as the train starts to move. “What’s going on?”
She twists her hands in her lap. “I’m not sure. I’m all confused about Justin. He seemed so good on paper, and he was so sweet on our first date. He texted me after the date. He met up with me at the bar last night, but then something… changed.”
I wait for her to keep going, but she doesn’t. “What do you think changed?” I prompt.
She shrugs her shoulders.
“Did you eat the mayonnaise and hot sauce abomination in front of him?”
A smile finally plays at her lips. “No.”
“Did you tell him about your theories about getting abducted and murdered?”