I let him go, shoving him a few feet away, but he comes right back. Like a virus you can't shake. Or gum stuck to your shoe.

“Sorry about that,” I say, brushing my hair out of my eyes and straightening my shirt. I realize one of the pockets of my jeans is inside out, and I tuck the lining back in with my fingertips.

“It’s fine,” Bailey says. “I’m actually?—”

“Bailey!” At a table near the back, a woman with short dark hair waves wildly. Two other women sit slack-jawed and staring like this scene is straight out of a telenovela. It’s close enough.

Even more so when arms snake around my waist from behind as Brenda and Kellie—whom I’d forgotten all about—make what can only be called a last-ditch coordinated, amorous attack.

“Uh-oh,” Van mutters.

Though I think it should be pretty obvious to anyone watching that I amnotinterested, the presence of Brenda and Kellie has an immediate effect on Bailey. Her smile fades, and her eyes dim. She steps back, her shoulders curling as she foldsherself into a smaller and smaller space, like she thinks she can disappear.

“I’m with friends,” Bailey says, taking another step. “And it’s obvious you’re … busy.”

“I’m not busy.”

I clench my jaw, removing Brenda and Kellie’s hands from my body with less gentleness than when I pushed them from my lap. It takes some effort. When I push away one hand, another appears like a hand-Hydras.

Finally, I take a huge step away from them. Toward Bailey.

I’ve completely invaded her space. We’re nose to nose. Or, I would be if she were taller. More like her nose to my collarbone.

I lean close. “Can I meet your friends? Or buy you a drink?”

Bailey saws her teeth over her bottom lip, glancing again at her friends then behind me where I imagine Brenda and Kellie are regrouping. “Um.”


I don’t even care how desperate I sound. Because Bailey’s presence is a strong wind, blowing away the thick, dark fog I’ve been feeling.

I wish she would also blow away Brenda and Kellie, who step forward again like some kind of synchronized stalking team, trying to hook their arms through mine. I wiggle away from them and curl one arm around Bailey’s shoulders until I’m practically draped over her like a shawl.

Her hair smells like cinnamon and cotton candy. Suddenly I’m starving.

“Please,” I repeat, this time in a whisper. I bend, my lips brushing her ear. This is more touching than we’ve ever done, and I half expect Bailey to evaporate in a puff of smoke. “Help me, Bailey-Wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope.”

“Are you afraid of the big bad wolves?” she murmurs.


“Fine. You can join us.” She glances back once more, where I imagine Brenda and Kellie are pouting. I don’t look. “They do have very big … teeth.”

That has me laughing as I start to guide her toward her friends, my arm still curled around her shoulders. A burst of happiness blooms bright in my chest when she relaxes into me. I give her shoulder a squeeze. “You’re funny.”

“Don’t sound so surprised.”

“Hey, in my defense, up until this week, I could barely drag more than two sentences at a time out of you.”

Bailey’s elbow finds my ribs, a teasing poke. “I tend to be a little … reserved when I first meet people. Or when I’m not comfortable with them yet.”

I grin. “So, you’re comfortable with me now?”

“I guess so.”

“Good. And sorry again about back there. My teammates were trying—and failing—to set me up. Mostly against my will. I should have extricated myself before then.”

“Extricated, huh?”