Only one. A quiet, unassuming woman who’s pretty in the kind of way that sneaks up on a person. One whose smiles and blushes I count, who makes me happy.

IlikeBailey. Legitimately. She’s a sweet woman. Shy. Kind. Thoughtful. She treats me like a normal guy. Didn’t even know who I was or that I play hockey, which means points for her.

“A woman willing to be my fake wife? No,” I say firmly.

“She’d need to be yourrealwife,” Logan points out. “Legally speaking.”

“Then, definitely no.” I’m not about to drag sweet, shy Bailey into my problems. Especially not like this. Not when it includes fraud.

“That’s okay.” Alec’s brows draw together as he taps on his phone. “Spreadsheet to the rescue.”

“A spreadsheet won’t save me,” I say, wishing it could. I stand, grabbing my plate. “I need to head out. Can we help with dishes?”

Felix catches my eye, hesitating for a moment like he’s trying to read me. And I think he must sense my need to escape because he gives a quick nod and picks up his dishes. “As much as I’d like to help with this endeavor,” he says. “I’ve got to kick y’all out. Don’t worry about the dishes. Just carry them to the sink. Gracie’s coming over.”

Camden arches an eyebrow. “You’re going to have your girlfriend do our dishes?”

Felix blanches, as though just now realizing how his words sounded. “No. I’ll do them. I just want the place clean and you guys gone before she gets here. Now get out.”

He does everything but sweep us out of his loft with a broom, then slams the loft’s metal rolling door shut.

Van grabs me by the shoulder before I can escape down the stairs. “Night’s young. We’re going out.”


“Let me rephrase,” Van says, squeezing my shoulder harder. “Youneedto come out.”

“You're not going to find a wife by staying home, Speed Bump,” Alec says.

“He’s not going to find a wife in a bar,” Logan points out.

“Shut up. Come on.” Alec grabs me by the back of my shirt, steering me toward the stairs, and I decide not to fight.

The alternative is heading home, where I have to pretend everything is fine in front of Mom. At some point I’m going to crack and spill everything, and I’m not ready. Yet.

"Fine," I say, tucking Felix’s book against my chest. "But don’t push this whole finding a wife thing. I’m just going out to go out."

"Of course," Alec says easily.Tooeasily.

Van doesn’t even pretend. Pumping a fist in the air, he shouts, “Let the great wife hunt commence!”



Mistake.Coming to Mulligans with the guys was a mistake. Telling the guys about the whole marriage idea too.Especiallythat.

For the last hour, Van has been parading women in front of me like I’m ABC’s newest Bachelor while Alec taps furiously into his phone, presumably updating his spreadsheet. What kinds of notes he’s making, I shudder to think.

Nathan, who might have scared off women with his glare, went home when we left Felix’s. I was counting on Logan to put a stop to the foolishness—maybe because of Parker’s invisible good influence on him. But he’s been watching the whole display with unbridled amusement, smirking around a bottle of beer. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Camden and Wyatt, but they walked in and went right for the pool table like it was some kind of billiard siren.

Which leaves me at the mercy of Van and Alec.

The two usually don’t get along all that well, but apparently finding me wife candidates is the perfect bonding experience. Glad I could be of service.

While I know the guys took the visa stuff seriously, especially after Felix asked about my mom, everyone seems to think this wife hunt is all good fun.

“Dude,” Alec says. “No way you’re going to snag even agirlfriendlike this. Much less a wife.”