Page 105 of A Groom of One's Own

I told them I needed to make a quick stop before heading back to the house. I glance up at the building where I’ve worked for more than a year. But I didn’t tell them why we needed to stop.

“I’m putting in my notice.” Honestly, the only thing I’ll miss about the place is Beth. And the animals. But I can’t wait to start my new job at an actual vet hospital. With a vet who isn’tDr. Evil. “Thanks to you”—I give Maggie’s hand a quick squeeze—“and Eli being nosy, I have a cushy new job starting soon.”

“You’re quitting your job?” Annie asks. “Ooh, I want to come!”

“I’m just handing in a letter. I’m not, like, pulling a Jerry Maguire or anything.”

“Jerry who?” Annie asks.

Maggie laughs. “Okay, I know what movie we’re watching when we get home.”

I can’t convince Annie it won’t be boring, so she joins me inside, where I’ve got one other thing to do before I officially hand over my letter. Beth is up front and comes around the desk to give us both hugs.

“Aren’t you supposed to be spending the day doing married people things?” Beth asks, her eyes twinkling.

Annie laughs, and before she can make any kind of comment, I say, “Eli has training and meetings today. The team leaves tonight.”

“Aw.” Beth frowns. “That’s too bad.”

“I’ll be fine.” If I keep saying it, maybe I’ll manifest it instead of feeling sick thinking about Eli being across the country. “I’m just here to give my official notice,” I tell her. “And to pick up Eli’s surprise.”

I hand Beth the adoption paperwork I filled out a few days ago, and she slides it into a folder, then gives my arm an extra little squeeze. “How will I survive without you?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You need to move on. And Dr. Evil’s arrows don’t pierce this armor.” She pounds a fist on her chest, and Annie laughs.

“Is she here?” I ask.

“Unfortunately,” Beth says. “Last I saw, she was in her office.”

“You’re not supposed to come back here,” I tell Annie as I head toward the door, but she steps up next to me, giving me a look. “But I’m not going to fight you over it.”

“Good. You’d lose. I’m scrappy,” she says, fake punching the air.

I have no doubt. She’s also not as tall or muscular as Eli, but she has a very athletic build and at least six inches on me. Even if she weren’t scrappy, it wouldn’t be much of a contest. Honestly, I don’t hate having her beside me as I hand in my official letter of resignation.

Even if that means getting the death glare from Dr. Evil as I knock on her office door. “Who’s this and why is she back here?” she asks, barely glancing at my typed letter of resignation. Maybe she assumes it’s me trying again to get her to write a recommendation or something.

“I’m Annie.” She reaches out a hand, but Dr. Evil ignores it. Because of course she does. Though if she knew Eli is Annie’s brother, I bet the reaction would be a whole lot different.

“I’m just giving you my notice.” I point toward the paper, now on her desk next to the monitor, where she’s playing Free Cell.

Frowning, she picks it up between two fingers, her expression souring as she scans the page.

“Bet she’s a peach to work with,” Annie mutters close to my ear. “Can’t imagine why you’re quitting.”

Dr. Evil finally sets down the paper and pushes back her chair to stand. Clearly, she means to be intimidating as she looms over me, but Annie steps closer and looms over the vet. It’s such an Eli move, I almost laugh.

“No need to finish out your two weeks,” Dr. Evil says, backing up a little. “You can consider it unpaid vacation for thehoneymoon.”

She says the word with so much derision, Annie makes a little growling sound next to me. I lean my shoulder against her, just in case. The last thing I need today, when I told Eli to trust me with his family, is for Annie to get arrested on my watch.

“That works,” I tell her. Though if it weren’t for Eli pretty much bankrolling my life, this would be an issue. But I don’t need to have this battle. Not today. “Thanks for … everything.” I have nothing specific to thank her for, andeverythingfeels generous, but I’m ready to get out of here.

Poor Beth. I wish I could take her with me. Maybe I can recommend her to my new boss if they have any other openings.

But as I guide Annie away from the office and toward the kennels, Dr. Evil trails behind us. “That’s the wrong way,” she says. “Exit’s up front. Also, no one who isn’t official staff or a volunteer should be back here.”