Page 28 of Damaged

Ever slept so hard you woke up disoriented? Until now, that had never happened to me. My nightmares ensured I never slept all the way through the night, and I wasn’t sure why last night would be any different. Based on the firm mattress underneath me, and the soft fleece brushing against my shoulder, I knew I was still in Hunter’s bed.

Someone’s breath ruffled my hair and my body gave an involuntary jerk, my eyes squeezing tightly closed. Did Cherry leave after she made me sit through another one of her chick flicks, or had we fallen asleep? Damn, I couldn’t remember. But it had to be Cherry. Right? That was the only logical explanation for why my chest didn’t feel the slightest bit squeezy despite waking up to find that I wasn’t alone.

Please be Cherry, please be Cherry, I chanted in my head as I cracked an eye open to find my nose a hairsbreadth away from a male chest. A very naked male chest, to be exact. My breath stilled in my lungs. Definitely not Cherry. Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard Hunter’s voice, the same one that had played a part in my nightmare. Jesus. I must finally be losing the few marbles I had left.

Opening my other eye, I leaned back a little, but found I couldn’t go far. My head had been resting on a bicep, which was oddly comfortable, the lower portion of an arm resting against my shoulder. Now that I was fully conscious, I could feel the weight of a hand on my hip holding me in place. There was only one man I knew of that could touch me, let alone cage me in, without me totally melting down. Hunter.

Maybe Hunter’s voice hadn’t been a part of my nightmare. No, I wouldn’t think about that right now. Not when I wasn’t ready to deal with the aftermath of that reality. Hunter would ask questions that, for my sister’s sake, I couldn’t answer.

Warm breath kissed my face as I tilted my chin, looking up, trying to see him better. His chin had dark blond stubble on it that hadn’t been there the last time I’d seen him. It made the sharp angle of his chin appear less harsh. His beautiful lips appeared fuller now that they were relaxed too. The bow of his top lip oddly fascinating in its perfection.

Warmth spread through the lower half of my stomach as memories of what his lips felt like pressed against mine assaulted me. The way the rough pads of his fingers felt against my neck as he’d taken control of the kiss. How he’d devoured my lips and left me wanting more. Even now, fresh off the reminder of my personal hell, I couldn’t keep my legs still. They rubbed together, my cotton sleep shorts bunching at the tops of my thighs, as I tried to ease the ache forming in the center of my core.

Pale eyes fluttered open, and they were even more unnervingly intense this close up. His stare had never failed to lay me bare. It was as if he saw past flesh, bones, and sinew, down to my soul. Not good for a woman with as many secrets as I had, but I couldn’t seem to look away.

Gone was the cold, calculating, detached beauty of the killer who lurked inside him. But the man staring back at me was every bit as dangerous to my heart, if not my body. This version of Hunter was raw and primal, his desire transparent, his need feeding my own.

“Were you planning on staring all morning or were you actually going to touch me? Not that I haven’t enjoyed listening to you trying to fidget your way to an orgasm.”

His voice was like cut glass, smooth in some parts while rougher in others. A faint accent played peekaboo with his words, growing stronger on some before disappearing altogether on others. The effect was just as mesmerizing as his eyes.

Now touching him was all I could think about. Well, that and an orgasm. Heat crept up my neck as I recalled tales of the all-powerful big Ofrom the girls who lived in my dorm. According to them, sex never guaranteed an orgasm and there was something about a G-spot. God, now I wished I’d paid better attention to what they’d said. In my defense, though, never in my wildest dreams did I think an orgasm might be attainable for someone as broken as me.

I had no clue how one achieved this mythical orgasm, and I wasn’t about to ask. Then Hunter would find out that I was a freak, and I’d rather die than have him look at me with disdain, or even worse, pity.

No, I would pretend like I knew what in the hell I was doing. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know the basics from past experience, if you could call it that. Besides, how hard could this be? People had sex every day, at least according to my sister they did, so I ought to be able to figure out how to touch a man.

Using the hand that wasn’t trapped beneath me, I started by running my fingertips along his collarbone and down to the hollow of his neck. A patch of raised skin rested right below it, and I sucked in a breath. The scar was barely noticeable, only about half an inch long, but its placement threw me off balance. My eyes closed for a second, blocking out the reality that someone had gone for Hunter’s throat, even though it shouldn’t have come as a surprise given his background.

Normal people didn’t have someone trying to decapitate them. Then again, did I have any right to judge? At least he owned who he was, let the world see the evidence of the brutal life he led. He didn’t hide his scars. They were badges of honor because they meant he had survived. That he was stronger than his opponent. The only difference between us was my scars were on the inside, tearing me down, the lies piling up.

When I opened my eyes, he had his eyebrow raised. I wasn’t sure if it was in question or challenge, but I made the split-second decision not to dwell on where any of his scars came from. They wouldn’t matter when this was all over. He would hate me, and I’d go back to being dead inside. If I lived that long.

The swell of his pecs were silky smooth beneath my fingertips until I hit the jagged slash over his steadily beating heart. With a swallow, I forced myself to move on, letting my hand trace the individual lines of his abs. Holy Balls! I thought an eight pack was a myth, like unicorns and bigfoot, but there were definitely four distinct sections of muscle, and I was only halfway down his stomach.

Hunter had the type of body featured in ancient Greek sculptures. Sheer perfection. If it weren’t for the vertical scar running down his side and disappearing under the blanket, I’d think he was a god. Except gods didn’t bleed. They were invincible. To me, he seemed larger than life, strong and virile. But he was still just a man. Though I couldn’t say he was like all the rest. This was the closest I’d ever willingly been to a man’s dick.

His stomach muscles jumped against my hand as it disappeared under the blanket, my fingers coming into contact with warm metal. Wait. Metal?

Hunter moved like lightning, his hand circling my wrist, holding me in place. “I meant to warn you before you reached my cock, but I was distracted.”

He let go of my wrist to throw back the covers, then shackled me again with his long, tapered fingers. What was he doing? Then I looked down and was rendered speechless.

He had a monster sized cock that I swear waved at me. Granted, I’d only seen one other one in person, but I’d watched a few pornos after college. Purely for research purposes mind you, but enough to know that he was hung, and that even phantom TV dick had made me want to break out in hives.

Why on earth, then, did I find all the metal bars running up the base of his dick mesmerizing? Damn if I knew, but I couldn’t seem to look away. The girl who’d been afraid of a little dick was staring directly at one. My mouth watered, and I briefly wondered if that was normal.

“Have you ever seen a Prince Albert or Jacob’s ladder piercing before?”

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, warmth creeping up my neck when I realized I was still staring.

What was wrong with me? It was rude to stare. I was probably going to give the man a complex or something.

Maybe his dick had me under some sort of spell. I mean, the metal running up and down it sorta looked like little wands. Was there such a thing as Harry Pottering a woman’s pussy? If so, Hunter had accomplished it.

“I’ll take that, combined with the look on your face, as a no.” Hunter rolled us, thankfully breaking the dick trance he had me under. He joined my wrists together in one of his hands and raised them above my head. “You’ve had your fun, now, it’s my turn.”

My breasts were in his face, my nipples visible through my pale pink tank top, and I watched in fascination as he bent his head. The cotton scraped against my sensitive nipple, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine before his mouth closed around it. He alternated between sucking and teasing my flesh with his teeth through the tank top.