Page 14 of Damaged

“What?” he barked.

The soft light from his cell phone illuminated the side of his face as he listened, and I looked up at him through my lashes. He was impossible to read. The mask of indifference that he hid behind never fell. It seemed so unfair that he seemed to see down to the bottom of my blackened soul, while he remained a mystery.

“I’m coming.” He sighed, his fingers tapping on the phone for a minute before his pale eyes met mine. “We’ll have to finish what we started another time, aniol.”

He stuffed his phone in his pocket, extinguishing the light. His hand tickled up my side and over my breast before circling my throat again. The move was possessive and dominating, two things that should have made my body rebel. All it did was make me feel warm, and as crazy as it sounded, gave me a sense of security. When I was in his grasp, it felt like nothing evil could ever reach me. It didn’t make any sense at all, but then again, I wasn’t exactly normal.

He briefly brushed his lips against mine before lifting me into his arms.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, my arms tightening around his neck.

“This will be easier than trying to catch you in the dark.”

He moved with lethal grace through the darkness while I clung to him like a howler monkey. His confidence without his sense of sight astounded me, almost as much as the ease with which he blended into the shadows. The boots he wore didn’t make a sound, nor could I make out the sound of his breathing. He became the night, and I envied him his comfort within it. I’d always been terrified of the dark and slept with a light on. I suppose when you were the boogeyman, you never had to watch out for monsters.

That should have terrified me, but my body never had responded to Hunter the way it was supposed to. This was a disaster waiting to happen. He would be the heartache I’d never recover from, but I couldn’t give up the sensation of being alive again. I’d been going through the motions for so long that I didn’t even realize that I’d becomeSleeping Beautyuntil the day his pale eyes had settled on mine.

As he gently set me down on the back of the bike, I knew I wanted it all. Every bit of emotion I’d been deprived. I wanted the feel of Hunter’s hands and mouth against my skin. To hear his groans of pleasure as my hands wandered over his tightly muscled form. Most of all, I wanted to beg him to take me because, for the first time in my life, a man would enter me by choice.

My hard dick had been smashed against the gas tank for the better part of the ride back to the clubhouse, but I knew the situation had to be dire for Ryder to call all of us back, leaving the strip club unprotected. Still, it was a form of torture I hoped to never repeat. There was liking a little pain with your pleasure and then there was needing to ice your balls.

Still, I couldn’t bring myself to regret it. Her lips were mine for the taking and nothing short of death could have stopped me. She was tense at first, which gave me pause, something about it bothering me. However, all my reservations were quickly forgotten when she asked me to kiss her again in that breathy voice.

Something shifted between us with that second kiss, I could feel it. Like a dam being broken inside of her, a well of pent-up desire flooding us both. I would gladly drown with her if only to hear her little mewls of pleasure against my lips. The funny thing was, I’d never wanted to kiss a woman before. Probably because it gave them the impression that I gave a shit. With her I’d been different, gentler, almost protective. It still baffled me that I was capable of those things.

Shaking off all thoughts of Brandy before my dick could get hard again, I walked with a slight limp as I entered the room where we held church. Everyone was already seated around the long wooden table with the Devil’s emblem burned into the center. Chatter ceased, and all eyes were on me as I took the empty seat next to Beast. None of these fuckers better say a word about it or I’d pull out the knife I kept strapped to my ankle.

Ryder cleared his throat, thankfully taking the attention off me. “Now that we’re all here, let’s get started. I don’t like leaving Valentina to watch over the girls at the club by herself, even if she insists that she’ll be fine without me.”

“Please.” Tweak reclined back in his black leather chair. “I pity the man who starts shit with Valentina.”

She was just as capable as any man in this room, but Ryder would rather cut his own dick off than place her in any danger. It was something I respected, his need to protect his woman, but I couldn’t ever fathom having a similar desire.

Now I understood what drove him to walk through a hail of bullets, shooting his way through the last of her father’s men to get to her. Anyone who dared to touch a hair on Brandy’s head would face my wrath, and I was fucked-up enough to come up with some inventive forms of torture before they met their gruesome end.

Ryder’s dark eyes narrowed on his cousin before he turned to Marco, the first two fingers of his right hand tapping against the wooden tabletop. “Why don’t you share with the rest of the club what you found out.”

Valentina’s older brother Diego had already planned to overthrow their father, but let’s just say his timeline sped up when he found out his sister was on her way to kill him herself. Once the cartel was his, he made it a condition of our arrangement that we absorbed their younger brother, Marco.

Diego was a formidable ally, and I knew Marco could be a valuable asset for the club. From an early age, he’d had his ears to the ground for the cartel, and according to Diego, he had a knack for knowing when to use the intel he received.

“Ever heard of Lazlo Royce?”

Warning bells went off in my head. If this had anything to do with Royce, shit was about to hit the fan.

“The senator from Louisiana?”

“One and the same.” Marco cocked his dark head to the side. “He announced his intention to run for president in the upcoming election and guess what his number one priority will be?”

“Ja pierdole!”I didn’t even realize I’d said fuck me out loud until Beast nudged me.

When I looked over at him, he raised an eyebrow. “Did you just curse in Polish?”

“Yes,” I said through clenched teeth, running scenarios in my head for how we might deal with the senator where he was most vulnerable. On the campaign trail.

Beast looked across the table. “I’m not exactly up on politics, Marco. Care to share why this stoic fucker”—he jerked his thumb in my direction—“has his panties in a bunch.”

Marco may have been addressing Beast, but his dark eyes rested on me. “Royce not only wants to focus on slowing down the flow of drugs entering the US from Mexico, thus fucking with the cartels, he wants to stop organized crime from profiting on the sale of our product. The Irish, Italian, Polish, and Russian Mafias all get their shit from us, but guess who distributes more drugs than any of them?”