Page 11 of Damaged

Gunner blew out a breath. “That’s assuming there’s time to spare.”

Yeah, fuck that. I wasn’t about to sit around and wait for the ax to fall. Not with her. Anyone who came after her was about to have a five-foot-ten nasty surprise.

The door swung open, and Brandy stood there, her eyes shifting between us. The khakis she wore molded to her form, nipping in at the waist before they hugged her legs. And my eyes ate up every delicious inch of her, down to the delicate silver chain around her ankle.

“It’s been so warm that I didn’t think to bring any jeans.” She ran a palm down the front of her thigh. “I noticed the rest of you wear them, so I hope these are OK.”

Ok? Thanks to her my cock could cut through steel and in every one of my fantasies those pearls of hers bounced up and down the slender column of her neck as I fucked her.

“Those pants will be fine.”

She let out the breath she must have been holding, the outline of lace barely visible underneath her white shirt. Her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths as I moved closer. She tilted her head up, her long lashes fanning over her delicate cheekbones, and I had to know if her skin was as soft as it looked. My hand brushed against hers and her eyes shot open, but before she could pull away, I laced our fingers.

My thumb rubbed across the smooth skin on the back of her hand. I was all hard edges, an instrument of death, the monster of my father’s creation. Nothing about me fit with the delicate creature in front of me, yet we melded together perfectly.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded her head, letting me lead her out the door and down the stairs, her hand still in mine. I’d never considered hand-holding, or any other displays of affection, mainly because it seemed cruel to give a woman a false sense of hope. To pretend there was a future for us where I could give them a depth of emotion that resembled the foolish notion we called love. The only reason I did it now was a desire to keep her close.

Reluctantly, I let go of her hand and swung my leg over the bike. “Hold on to me for balance and extend your leg until you feel the footboard on the other side of the bike.”

She let out a huff before I felt the heat of her tiny hand on my shoulder. Her body pressed against me, a faint floral scent tickling my nostrils, making my balls ache even more.

A small squeak sounded from behind me, and I felt her nails scraping my back over the top of my T-shirt.

“I’ve got you,” I told her, reaching a hand back to steady her.

Her shirt must have ridden up because instead of cotton, I felt her warm, smooth skin. She let out a breathy sigh, my shirt balled in her fist, as she regained her balance. The way her nails slid over my shoulders while her little body wiggled against me was wreaking havoc on my already swollen cock.

“Wrap your arms around my waist.”

She plastered herself to my back, her hands linked around my waist as the roar of the bike’s engine competed with the sound of the garage door rolling up. The bike moved, and her thighs tightened around me. It was a sweet torture having her this close to me and being unable to touch her the way I wanted to.

Normally, the feel of the vibrating metal beast underneath me, the roar of the engine, and the wind in my hair were enough to clear my head. Where the guys had other hobbies to keep them grounded, I had nothing but the open road. With her behind me, there was no escaping the way her body leaned into me as we rounded a curve or her warm breath against the back of my neck.

As the sights and sounds of the city gave way to an open landscape, she relaxed into me. There might not have been an absence of noise in my head while I rode, but neither was there the usual chaos that sometimes gave me headaches. It was as if being close to her gave me a different kind of peace by bringing order to my thoughts.

The chess pieces of my brother’s game were all laid out in front of me, and I thought about the advances I’d made today. Thanks to the call I had with Marek, my pawns were all in motion. But the problem with relying solely on Marek was that he was only privy to my brother’s movements, not his plans. Our sister Bea was going to be the queen that Piotr never saw coming.

According to my father, women were a warm hole to fuck and the only real value they had was in whatever wealth or alliances they brought to the table. My mother was Mafia royalty, sought after by every man even remotely connected to Poland’s underworld. The night before she was to be married off to the son of another powerful family, my father slaughtered her entire family and took over their territory.

Piotr bought into our father’s twisted beliefs, even romanticizing the story, but I saw it for what it truly was. A lucky power play that brought my father immense wealth and status while plunging my mother into a depression that she never recovered from.

My sister knew that with Father gone and Piotr in charge she was on borrowed time. He might not have the nuts to take her out on his own, but he’d marry her off to a man as vicious as our father and let him do the dirty work. Just as the little cockroach was hiding behind my club in order to get rid of me.

All I’d had to do was offer her a share of our family’s earnings, enough to last the normal person two lifetimes, and the freedom to do with it as she wished. In exchange, she’d agreed to sneak around and gather all the information she could about what Piotr had in store for the club. It was the best I could do with Piotr’s goons tracking my movements. Sure, I could easily slip away from my tail, but only for a day at the most without him knowing. And it was way too early in the game to waste that window.

Brandy shifted, pressing the warmth of her pussy against me. The need to claim her rose like a savage beast within me and all my scheming was put on the back burner. A familiar white picket fence broke up the miles of grass dotted with trees along the side of the road, and I slowed down. My control was hanging on by a thread and if I didn’t put some space between us, I’d end up fucking her senseless on the side of the road.

Dust kicked up like a cloud when I turned onto the dirt road that led to nowhere. The closest ranch was twenty miles away from us, so it was always quiet here except for the crickets who made their presence known around this time of the evening.

Where I stopped the bike, there was nothing but grass and a few clusters of trees for miles in any direction. I killed the engine and reached behind me, my hand resting against Brandy’s side.

“Hold on to me and I’ll steady you, so you won’t fall when you get off.”

Her ribcage moved under my hand with the intake of her breath before I heard her sigh. “I’m sorry you have to keep helping me.”

When I looked over my shoulder, her face glowed with the rays of the setting sun. My angel didn’t have a clue how badly the devil wanted to possess her. She was a diamond in a world full of rocks, and I was the only one who saw the rainbow. That was fine by me. Fewer fuckers I’d have to kill.