Page 46 of Damaged

“All I had to do was give him her location and the right buttons to push.” He coughed as he leaned forward and whispered, “And you want to know the best part? He promised that the girls would know it was me who had helped him.”

A loss of control had never overcome me before. When it happened to other men, I could never fathom it, but possession was a cold-blooded bitch. Even in the face of her treachery it made me act in ways I never had before. I had to say I didn’t care for it. Especially when the bastard smiled as I choked him.

Releasing him, I hissed. “What’s so fucking funny?”

“You’re screwed,” he wheezed. “You, the club, my daughters. All screwed. And to be honest, you’re killing me is a favor. Less time I have to spend in this dump.” He laughed, which turned into another coughing fit and when he was done, he looked me dead in the eye. “I guess I’ll be seeing you in hell.”

He was right about one thing. We would see each other in hell, and I looked forward to it because I’d happily bring him death there too. Put his face to the fire and laugh. I knew death was too good for this man, but no matter what Brandy had done, she still deserved the vengeance that only I could give her.

“A quick death is too good for the likes of you. The only reason you’re getting this mercy from me is because I don’t want to leave your soul in the hands of anyone else. But I’m not killing you for myself, or on behalf of the club, though you deserve it for those reasons. This is for Brandy.”

He cackled. “Don’t tell me you fell for the ugly duckling.”

He quit laughing when my fist connected with his nuts. In fact, this pitiful excuse for a man was hunched over, wheezing. What kind of man betrays his blood?

I’d always considered myself to be a monster, but now I was rethinking the title. A cold, unfeeling bastard. Absolutely. But to be honest, this man sickened me, and that was saying something considering I’d spent my entire childhood watching my father torture men.

“I wish I could bring your head to her on a silver platter, but alas, I have other places I need to be. I guess I’ll just have to settle for your fear.” The tiny vial I dug out of my cut made his eyes go wide. “It’s a cocktail I made especially for you, but I’d hate to spoil the surprise of what it does to the body.”

He fought me then, the headboard of his hospital bed banging against the wall as I made him swallow every drop. My hand covered his nose and mouth, leaving him no choice but to swallow it.

“That’s a good boy.” I patted the side of his face. “See that wasn’t so hard.”

“Fuck you,” he spit, his eyes narrowing into slits. “I hope you enjoy getting fucked in the ass in jail asshole. Death was already knocking on my door, anyway.”

He had another coughing fit, and I checked my watch. The new nurse on duty would be by in about fifteen minutes. Time to wrap this up.

“I appreciate your concern, but the Braterstwo will kill me long before I see the inside of a cell.” Standing up, I gave him a smile of my own. I hated smiling, so I hoped he found mine as disturbing as I found his. “Tell the devil to name his price because I’ll want to start the minute I arrive.”

He leaned on his side; his breathing labored as he looked up at me. “Start what?”

I cocked my head to the side. “Torturing you, of course. I don’t expect the devil to turn over the privilege of hearing your endless screams without some sort of payment.”

His choked gasp turned into a gurgle, and I wished I had the time to watch the results of my handiwork, but I couldn’t be seen anywhere near here. As I told him, I had other places to be. It was time to end this, take my rightful place in the Braterstwo, and send Brandy on her way.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I let myself out the back door I’d left propped open with a scrap of paper. This couldn’t be good.


“I was at the edge of the grounds, having my last smoke of the day like usual, when one of the guy’s interrupted Piotr while he was swimming laps. Everybody around here knows he fucking hates that shit, doesn’t matter what time of the day or night it is. So, I put my cigarette out and snuck closer, thinking shit was about to pop off.”

There was a rustling noise on the other end of the line before Cannon whispered, “I heard the guard say it was done. That they had her. What do you want me to do?”

That mother fucker had been a pain in my ass since the day he was born, and he was going to regret coming at me like this. We had a lot of catching up to do, Piotr and me. Blood or not, he’d crossed a line, and he was about to pay for it with his life.

“Keep watch and call me if there are any changes, but under no circumstances do I want you to approach Piotr. Got it?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Cannon quietly huffed into the phone.

This boy was almost as big of a pain in my ass as my brother. The only difference was, I might actually like Cannon. At least, enough that I didn’t want to see the kid go off half-cocked and get himself killed.

“I’m on the way. Try not to do anything stupid before I get there.”

When I dialed Ryder, he picked up on the first ring and spoke before I could.

“I was just about to call you. Stella just walked into the clubhouse a minute ago, hysterical. Apparently, she and Brandy were at that new club, Tilt. Brandy told her she was going to the bathroom and never came back. We’re headed over there to search for her now.”

“Don’t bother.” I swung my leg over my bike. “Cannon just called. My brother has her.”