Page 33 of Damaged

When she looked up, sorrow tugged at my heart. She seemed so lost. Broken in a different way than me, but broken nonetheless. It was something I understood well.

“Just promise me something.”

“Anything.” The words were past my lips before I even thought about it.

“I don’t care if he has the most beautiful nine-inch dick you’ve ever seen, under no circumstances are you to get dickmatized and wind up like me. Still obsessed over a man who left without looking back. Hell, my pussy is like an abandoned Wild West set, complete with sand and tumbleweeds. It’s fucking pitiful.”

She groaned. “Christ, bitch. The least you could do is throw me a bone and tell your face to lie to me about how great the sex was.”

Setting my coffee down, I leaned over the desk, checking to be sure the hallway was empty. When I sat back down, I lowered my voice like I was getting ready to spill state secrets. Hell, they might be easier to keep inside than what I was about to reveal.

My fingers stilled on my leg as I choked out, “I’ve never had a, you know. Before.”

“Get the fuck out of here.” She sat forward, setting her own coffee on the edge of the desk. “Like not even by yourself with a rabbit?”

“No.” I hissed, my cheeks no doubt crimson at this point.

“This is worse than I thought.” She sat back, looking pensive. “You’re totally screwed.”

“I am?”

“Please, I bet you’re thinking about fucking him right now, aren’t you?”

Now that she mentioned it, I couldn’t help the highlight reel of carnal delights from flashing behind my eyelids. What could I say? Hunter was as addicting as any drug out there, maybe more so. Balls. I really was screwed. What the hell was I going to do when everything went to hell in a handbasket?

With a sigh, she stood and picked up her cup from the corner of the desk. “Fine. If you insist on following in my footsteps, at least promise me you’ll make it worth the pain?”

The memories I made now were all I would have to hold on to later when the crippling agony of loss set in. Only time would tell if they would be worth it or not, but I’d keep this promise to Stella. For the both of us.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” I said, making an X over my heart with my finger.

Stella laughed and shook her head at me before walking back down the hallway. Once she was out of sight, I took out my phone and googled what the hell a rabbit was. After scrolling through several pictures and reading a few reviews, I quickly put my phone down on the desk.

That was what I had to look forward to. A bed filled with memories and a plastic dick that had a piece shaped like rabbit ears. Stella was right. I was totally screwed.

Ryder’s dark eyes followed me as I entered the room where we held church and slipped into the empty seat beside Beast. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the wooden table, and raised an eyebrow. It was hard to say what was going on inside his head. He could have been wondering why I ghosted the club for the last couple of hours or if it could have something to do with Brandy screaming her head off this morning. Frankly, I didn’t want to talk about either, so I kept my mouth shut.

He nodded his head, a smirk on his face, as he banged the gavel against the wooden table to start the meeting. Fucker. It was definitely about Brandy, but Ryder wasn’t stupid. He knew me well enough to know that silence was the only answer he was going to get.

It wasn’t that I was shy. Everyone in this room had seen me fuck women around the clubhouse. Hell, sometimes we even shared them. None of us really gave a shit as long as she was willing and not already spoken for. There were strict rules when it came to old ladies—and for good reason. Nothing threw shit into chaos quite like guns being drawn between two brothers.

I might have wanted them to hear her scream, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t kill anyone who so much as leered in her direction. She wasn’t the garden variety skank, or a sweet butt, and I wouldn’t pretend that she was.

Brandy had been mine, and only mine, from the second she walked through the door. None of them would ever hear about how beautiful she looked when she came apart, or that despite her lack of experience she fucked like she was made for that purpose alone. That shit was only for me to know.

Ryder threw the gavel down on the table in front of him, the smirk falling from his face. Whenever church was in session, he usually kept things strictly business, saving the bullshit for either before we started or after we were done.

“What do you have for us, Hunter?”

“Cannon’s report of my brother’s activities has confirmed my suspicions that not much has changed. He’s still the asshole that would rather fuck around and spend our father’s money than run a complex criminal organization such as the Braterstwo. Unfortunately, this presents an added layer of danger to the club that I had hoped to avoid.”

My eyes wandered around the table, briefly touching on each man, before I settled on Ryder. “Should Piotr come into power, and not be strong enough to hold on to it, it’ll only be a matter of time before the brotherhood will have no choice but to act. They will come in and decimate not only my family, but every person tied to us.”

“Wait a second,” Gunner said, holding up a hand. “I thought your father was the Braterstwo.”

“The brotherhood is more than just one man or one city. It might have started in Poland, but it’s grown into a complex criminal network steeped in violent traditions with strict rules that, if broken, are punishable by death. There are Braterstwo leaders in every corner of the globe. My father was a high-ranking member of the organization, thanks to his marriage to my mother, but that won’t matter if Piotr spends more than he makes or doesn’t adhere to the code.”

I sighed. “Should we not deal with the threat Piotr is holding over our heads in time, I’ll be killed before the cell door closes behind me. Once I’m dead, I’m afraid the rest of you might not be safe from the brotherhood’s reach. Even in prison.”