Page 10 of Damaged

“What is it,mój aniol?”

Her fingers stilled and the mossy green flecks along the outer edges of her eyes darkened in the glow of the TV screen. “What did you just call me?”

I ached to kiss away the pout that had settled on her full lips.

“My angel. Now, tell me what’s wrong.”

She peeked over at Beast and Gunner, then turned her head to sneak a glance at Tweak from underneath her eyelashes. Her cheeks had a pink tinge to them, and she shifted in her seat. My angel wasn’t comfortable with the added attention, and as someone who preferred to operate in the shadows, I could relate.

“Come with me.”

Her eyes widened, and she blinked. “Where?”

She was mine to command, to protect, and to pleasure. Until she figured that out and accepted it, I would have to be patient. One day I would have her submission, but in order to do that I would first have to find out what made her tick.

“For a ride.”

She bit into her luscious bottom lip, making my dick twitch. Soon it would be my teeth nipping at her lips.

“I’ve never been on a bike before.” She looked down at herself. “But I imagine I’ll need to change into pants.”

The image of her skirt riding up those creamy thighs as she straddled my bike had my cock standing at full attention. She would be stunning with that strand of pearls around her delicate neck, the buttons on her blouse straining against her tits as she sat back. The innocence of an angel luring the devil to come out and play. There was only one problem. I wouldn’t be the only one seeing her, and it was too soon for her to see me with blood on my hands.

“While you look sexy in that skirt, you’re right, you’ll probably be more comfortable in pants.” Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink as she stood, and I pointed to the open door behind the pool tables. “There’s a restroom right over there. I’ll wait for you to get changed.”

She nodded and squeezed between Tweak’s legs and the coffee table, coming out on the opposite side. I couldn’t help but watch the gentle sway of her ass in that fitted skirt as she walked past me toward the bar where she’d left her suitcase. My eyes followed her until she wheeled it into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

“Hunter,” Colt said, catching my attention. He waited for me to turn around before he spoke. “I asked Cherry about her sister before she left.”

Beast leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “Does she know what kind of trouble Brandy’s in?”

“What do you mean?”

Beast looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. “Long-lost twin sister that Cherry never mentioned before suddenly rolls into town and asks to stay with us. Come on man, you’re usually ten steps ahead of everyone else and you’re saying this never occurred to you?”

The quest to make Brandy mine must have overshadowed everything, even how she’d ended up on my doorstep. This type of shortsighted thinking was unnerving for me. My brain usually mapped out the smallest of details, it was just a matter of sorting through the chaos and piecing it together. Where Brandy was concerned, it seemed there was a short in my wiring. I refused to believe she’d fucked with my head, reprogrammed me if you will, in a matter of hours.

“He doesn’t normally think with his dick like the rest of us.” Tweak grinned. “Who knew the crazy bastard had a thing for librarians?”

Tweak had a point, at least about me thinking with the wrong head. Maybe that’s what this was. A case of attraction. If I wasn’t careful, it would be a case of fatal attraction. Suck on that, Tweak. I had a sense of humor, just not when it came to people fucking with what was mine.

Gunner raised his hand. “How does he have a thing for librarians?”

“Dude, you have no imagination. All she’s missing is a button up sweater and a pair of glasses to complete the look.”

“You, my friend, are a giant freak.”

Brandy would be out of the bathroom any minute and I had more pressing concerns than Tweak thinking I had a librarian fetish.

“Colt, what did Cherry say?”

“That she hasn’t spoken to her sister since she called to tell her that their dad was sick. Brandy just showed up, out of the blue, right before we got here saying she had nowhere else to turn.”

“And Cherry didn’t press her for more of an explanation?”

That seemed out of character for a woman who could talk the ear off a deaf man. Whenever Cherry asked about your day or how your family was, it wasn’t because she liked to gossip. She genuinely gave a shit, which was why she had such a large following at our strip club.

“I asked her the same thing. She said if you press Brandy too hard, too fast, she’ll clam up. Cherry’s hoping that with a little time and space she’ll open up on her own.”