It took everything I had to not slip my fingers inside of her. I didn’t want to pluck her flower that way. I wanted her to feel me inside of her, I wanted it to be so intimate that she would beg me for more, and by God I would give it to her whenever she wanted.
But first ...
I moved her panties to the side exposing the small tuft of hair on her already glistening opening and smiled. I hated that Josie shaved everything off; it made me feel weird when wehad sex. Zaydee, probably because she was so young, hadn’t shaved anything and it only served to make me more excited.
I leaned forward and used the tip of my tongue to gently part her pussy lips. She groaned softly and grabbed the back of my hair. I chuckled slightly as I slid my tongue up and down a few times, intensifying the moment before I moved to her clit. Zaydee took a deep breath and formed a fist around my hair as I licked at her.
I could almost swear that she tasted like the sweetest honey in the world; freshly harvested from a bee’s nest and made especially for me. I dug my hands into her hips as I continued moving my tongue against her until she came. It didn’t take long for that to happen and again, I found myself feeling pleased.
I got to my feet and unzipped my pants. I let them fall around my ankles and my boxers followed as I guided the head of my cock toward her soaking wet hole.
“I’ll go slow. It hurts the first time,” I promised in heavy breaths as I pulled her ass down toward the edge of the desk. “Are you ready?”
She nodded, her eyes clouded over with a look that told me that she was just as lost in our moment as I was. A look that told me that I wasn’t doing anything wrong, because she wanted it just as badly as I did.
As gently as I could, I started to push my length inside of her. She closed her eyes tightly and gripped my wrists as I continued my movements until I felt a warm rush go over my cock. It was done; the hardest part, the part I honestly didn’t know if I would follow through with was over. Zaydee wasn’ta virgin anymore and that meant she was mine now, just as much as I was hers.
I kept my rhythm gentle and slow, moving in and out of her as gracefully as I could, when what I really wanted was to fuck viciously. But I told myself that there would be time for that. This wouldn’t be the last time that I had this beautiful fucking creature on my cock, and next time I would fuck her the way I wanted to.
“Fuck” I groaned through grit teeth, shooting my cum onto the bathroom wall across from me. I took a few steadying deep breaths and grabbed some tissue to clean myself off before washing my hands. I grabbed more and let some warm water run over it before I cleaned the wall, chuckling at what I had just done.
Maybe Zaydee didn’t love me the way I loved her anymore, but I would always have the memories of when she did.
I flushed the used tissues down the toilet and went back to my chair. Stretching my legs out in front of me, I leaned the chair back as far as I could and decided to sleep the rest of the way to Phoenix.
I quickly realized the flaw in my plan when I landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. I didn’t know what Bill or Rose looked like, so finding them here was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack.
The only thing I had to go on was what Greta had told me. They were related to Zaydee on her father’s side and she looked a little bit like her Uncle Bill.
I skipped baggage claim, because the only bag I had was carried onto the plane. I didn't plan on staying long enough to need luggage. I just wanted to meet him and go back home to Zaydee. I went over to the escalator and nervously gripped the sliding railing.
Scott was more than just my son; he was a miracle born of a damaged lust. Josie had never been able to have kids, having had some kind of condition that left her with a one percent chance of ever conceiving. I wanted desperately to be a father, but no matter how hard we tried, it just never happened.
When Zaydee told me she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I held it inside because she looked absolutely terrified, but I had every intention of being a father to our child. Her parents took fourteen years of a dream I’d had for so long and shattered it. Now I had a chance to make up for lost time and I would do my best to make him understand that we both loved him. I hoped Bill and Rose had explained the situation to him, and if they hadn't, then I would. I didn't want him to think that he had been abandoned by his parents.
After I got to the bottom, I stepped off and took a deep breath. I glanced around the large airport lobby to see if anyone around me resembled Zaydee. I didn't have to look for long though, because a tall, middle-aged man with a thick black mustache with a tiny woman by his side walked over to me and held his hand out.
"You're Garrett, aren't you?"he asked, with a kind smile.
"Bill?" I asked, shaking his hand firmly.
"Oh my God. He looked just like him," the woman who I assumed to be Rose, said quietly, nudging Bill.
"This is Rose, my wife," he said, confirming my thoughts and nodding at her. I smiled as she stepped forward and gave me a friendly hug, which I returned.
"Come on, our car is in the parking garage. Did you have a good flight?" Bill asked, leading the way down the large hallway.
I confirmed that I did and we made small talk all the way to his car. I kept a smile on my face and interest in my eyes, but I was honestly disappointed that they hadn't brought Scott with them. I kind of wanted to have one of those airport scenes that you see in the movies; the kind when you see someone you love and you run and embrace each other, while everyone around you starts to cheer.
Once in the parking lot, we took the elevator to the third floor in silence. I leaned against the back wall and stared up at the numbers as they ticked by, Bill cleared his throat a couple of times, and I felt Rose's eyes on me when she stole the occasional glance.
"Over here," Bill said once we were on the third floor of the parking garage. I followed as he and Rose led the way to an old beige-colored Volvo with a couple of dents in the side. He used a remote control attached to his keychain to unlock all of the doors and I slid into the backseat.
"Is your home very far from here?" I asked.
Bill shook his head slightly, "About half an hour, depending on traffic."