Page 36 of Her Saint

“Guess who I saw at the grocery store?” Mom asks, beaming.

“Mack?” I guess, the only mutual acquaintance she could be that happy to see.

“Your friend, Saint.” She gives me a sly smile and my heart drops.

“Did you say Saint?”

She’s totally oblivious to the way my face falls, bustling to season the roast in the pot. “Why didn’t you tell me about him? He’sveryhandsome, Briar. And very charming.” Delight sparks in her eyes. “He carried my basket for me the entire time I was in the grocery store! He’s such a gentleman.”

My hands ball into fists. I am going to kill him. It’s one thing to come after me, but it’s another to go after my mother. She’s off-limits.

“I think you should give him a chance, honey.”

“A chance?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. If she had any idea who he actually is, she’d be telling me to run for the hills.

“Why not?” Mom shrugs, pouring in the bone broth. “He’s sweet, he’s funny, he’s attractive. I worry about you out here all alone, hours away from me. And I know you’re only shutting him out to protect your heart.”

More like to protect my life. “Um, Mom, you don’t understand the circumstances.” I can’t tell her Saint has been stalking me—she’ll freak out. She may die of a panic attack right here. Besides, there’s nothing she can do that I can’t. I can handle him myself. “He’s my student. It would be completely inappropriate.”

Mom waves this off. “So you’re his professor. Big deal. You’re both consenting adults. In fact, I think he’s older than you.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s not the point. If the administration found out, I could get fired. I’m not risking my job.”

Mom presses a hand to her chest. “Forbidden love is so romantic.”

It takes everything in me not to sigh as I pour Cookie’s food for her. Mom has no idea exactly how forbidden Saint de Haas is.

“Anyway,” Mom places the lid on the pot. “I invited him for dinner.”

I whirl on her. “You didwhat?”

Mom’s turn to roll her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic, Briar. You two are friends. Friends are allowed to spend time together. And soon enough, he won’t be your student anymore, and you won’t have to worry about dating him in secret.”

“I’m not dating him in secret or in public!”

Mom shrugs. “You’re an adult. You make your own decisions, but Saint seems like a genuinely kind, sweet man who cares a lot about you. He’s certainly nothing like your father. I think he would be a good man to have in your life, that’s all I’m saying. I just want my daughter to be happy.”

“I am happy, Mom.” Although as soon as the words leave my mouth, I’m not sure they’re true.

I’m hopeful about my job, but I’m not happy. Instead, I’m stressed going into work knowing that Dr. Barrett’s eyes or hands will linger on me for too long. I’m happy when I spend Friday nights with Mack, and Cookie and Ginger curl up onour laps, but I can’t deny that something feels missing from my life. A missing piece to complete the puzzle. Certainly when my vibrator dies, I miss having a man around.

But no matter how well Saint de Haas charmed my mother, he is the last man I should open myself up to.

Cookie sneaks out from the living room, eyeing my mother warily but willing to risk being seen by a stranger for her food. As soon as Mom sees her, she coos and ducks down to her. “Cookie!”

“Mom, no?—”

Cookie takes off, and Mom plants her hands on her hips and pouts. “I don’t know why she hates me. Animals adore me.”

“She just hasn’t been socialized enough. She doesn’t come out of hiding for anyone but me and Mack.”

When someone knocks at the door, I grind my teeth. The bastard actually had the audacity to show up at my house after he just roped my mother into this sick game of his.

Mom gasps and claps, rushing out of the room to the front door. “Saint! I’m so glad you could make it. Please come in.”

Sure, Mom, invite an unwanted guest into my home.

“I hope you don’t mind.” Saint’s low vibrato. “After you invited me to dinner, I snuck back into the grocery store for a few goodies. I couldn’t come empty-handed.”