Page 101 of If You Dare

I cross my arms, just about done with their little intervention. “I know what I saw.”

Before Luke showed me those photos, I would’ve thought the same. That Violet wouldn’t be capable of betraying me like that. The same way I wouldn't be capable of doing that to her. Too in love with each other to think we could find somebody better. Too in love to want to hurt each other like that.

But I’ve seen the proof myself. Britt tried making excuses too, sent me dozens of messages begging to get back together, but I didn’t fall for it with her and I’m not gonna fall for it with Violet.

She’s already gotten her second chance. Not my fault she wasted it.

The librarian steps forward, pointing her finger in my face. Even though she’s almost two feet shorter than me, the deep furrow to her brows is intimidating. “You listen to me, boy. That girl is sweet as pie and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like dog shit.” The curse leaving her mouth almost surprises me enough to laugh if I wasn’t being scolded. She hits my chest. “You better grow up and be the man you’re pretending to be if you want to deserve her.”

I skate back over to the team, circling the center of the rink while Coach gives a “motivational” speech that’s mostly a list of everything we’re doing wrong. Luke nudges me. “What was that about?”

I snort. “Guilt-tripping me about Violet.”

“Have you talked to her?”

“Hell no.”

“Why not?”

I give him an incredulous look. “Why would I? You were there too. You saw exactly what I did. And the photos.”

“Yeah.” Luke drops his gaze, dragging his stick along the ice. “Maybe I had it out for Violet too. For Chloe. I didn’t question those photos—I just believed Trey outright because I hated Violet so much for what she did. But...”

“But what?” I snap, not liking the direction this is headed.

“But the more I think about it, the more it doesn’t sit right with me. We know what kind of girl Violet is. And the type of guy Trey is. You seriously think she’d strip in the middle of the night on campus and let him take photos of her?”

That doesn’t sound like Violet at all. “I’ve got no idea what she’s capable of anymore.”

“Novak! Valentine! Listen up!”

We fall silent while we pretend to listen to Coach rattle on until Luke adds, “I’ve got your back no matter what. But if Chloe was here, we both know whose side she'd be on.”

* * *


Aneesa is studyingwhile I binge-watch Netflix when someone knocks on the door.

For a second, my stupid heart flutters. But the knock isn’t heavy enough to belong to Wes.

Aneesa opens the door, and my mother barges in.

She’s in her hotel manager uniform—dark slacks and vest over a blue button-up so pale it’s almost white, complete with a cute little bowtie.

She beelines straight to my bedside and frowns. “So this is what you’ve been so busy doing?”

My eyes flash to Aneesa. “You called my mom?”

Her eyes are wide. “No, I swear I didn’t.”

The same way she swore she didn’t report Wes to Dean Forrester.

Mom waves us off. “She didn’t call me. After my daughter didn’t answer dozens of texts or calls for three days, I decided to visit campus myself to make sure she was still alive.”

“Well, now you know.”

She perches on the edge of my bed, features softening with concern as she brushes my hair behind my ear. “Violet, what happened? What’s wrong?”