Oh hell. This is exactly what I suspected. “That isn’t right, this cabin is mine,” I insist. “There must be a mistake.”

Suddenly he’s so close I blink with confusion, not understanding how it all happened so fast. There was at least a car length of distance between us and now he’s right in front of me. I manage to stand my ground though and lift my chin, despite a wall of good-smelling leather and muscle mere inches away. Butterflies have taken flight in my stomach. Jeez, he’s even more handsome up close, with the wind blowing that glorious hair back from his proud features and off his wide shoulders. His nostrils flare, as if he’s scenting me or something. Good thing I took a shower this morning and even went for a spritz of perfume.

He glances over my shoulder, towards the main road. “Is your mate about to arrive?”

I blink at more of his strange word choice, then answer, “No.” I shake my head. Although sadness pinches at my chest because images of childhood extended family vacations in larger cabins float through my mind. Nowadays, it’s only me. “I'm the only one left who... I don’t have a husband or boyfriend arriving with me. I’m vacationing alone.” And then I wince, because that wasn’t smart, admitting to this stranger that I’m all alone out here. But for some reason I feel safe around “leather guy.”

He tips his chin and meets my gaze. “Good. That makes it easier for you to leave. Your information is incorrect. I am staying here alone this week, and you are not. Get in your vehicle and leave this area immediately and return from whence you came.”

I let out a heavy exhale. “No.No.I might’ve arrived after you, but I planned this vacation a year ago, right after the last time I stayed. And it’s not so easy for me to leave. The only way back home is a two-hour drive, directly into the storm. When didyoubook this cabin?”

He frowns. “Two diurnals ago.”

“Diurnals? Does that mean days? You booked this cabin two days ago? See, I've had it booked longer. This cabin is mine for the week. You’re the one who must go.”

The wind picks up and then I’m shivering despite my heavy coat, layers of clothes and practical snow boots. The mysterious leather guy pulls out some kind of super fancy glass tablet, taps at the screen and frowns.

“There’s no cell service right now,” I confirm.

“I don't know if you're telling the truth.”

“Well, I don't know ifyou'retelling the truth either,” I grumble in response, pulling out thick gloves and tugging them on because it’s really getting cold fast. “I already tried to call the property manager to get to the bottom of this, but there’s no way to reach them.” I zip my coat closed and pull over the hood. “Look, I’m telling you the truth. The rental company must’ve accidentally given you this week too, without realizing they’d already long ago given it to me. This is terrible and I feel bad for you, but you really must go, right now. Drive ahead of the storm, straight over to the rental company office in town and tell them the problem. I bet they can get you into something else, or at least find you a hotel room to shelter in. But the main worry is you need to leave immediately, because if you don't leave right this second, you're going to be stuck here at least overnight, which would be terrible for the both of us.”

He nods in agreement. “Therehasbeen a mistake, but the solution is not for me to leave. I have already moved in and perused the perimeter. This domicile is perfect for my needs because I require isolation. You are the one who must leave and shelter in town. Hurry, go now,” he growls, pointing at my car.

My eyes widen because it sounds like a literal animal growl.

He lets out a deep sigh. “I apologize, I did not mean to scare you, but I must keep you safe, from me.” He runs strong fingers through his inky black hair. “I cannot be in populous areas; I need to be isolated for the next week. When I say you need to leave so I can stay here alone, I am serious. I would gladly pay for your lodging in the nearby town.”

Oh hell, he sounds sincere. The man is offering to pay for my hotel, just so he can instantly have this cabin to himself? Who does that? Maybe Ishouldbe the one to leave.

And then nature makes the decision for the both of us.

Freezing wind hits hard, sharp and fast. It was cold before, but quickly turns unbearable. I gasp at the sudden drop in temperature. An ominous dark cloud now begins to hover overhead.

He looks up. “That was fast. We were supposed to have much more time.”

“Yeah, it happens like that sometimes out here that's why it’s on the news and we’re ordered to shelter in place because it's a dangerous flash freeze and we’re…”

And then both of us can clearly see what looks like a wall of black storm bearing down on us fast.

“Oh my gawd,” I gasp.

“Run, female!” he shouts.

And then we're both sprinting for the front door.



He’s so close behind me, I feel his hand on the small of my back and hear his breath above my head.

We race up the porch steps together and I open the front door first, making sure I’ve gotten him in too. We both dash inside with wind and snow engulfing us from behind. Suddenly, in the midst of the chaos, he's pressed hard against me because we've both tried to close the door at the same time. My back is against the heavy closed door, which is cold and humming with the vibration of the roaring wind.

His palms are braced on either side of my head.

And I learn how good he smells and how hot his big body feels against mine.