I can literally feel the space between my thighs get wetter and hotter, which seems to happen often around this guy. “Oh wow.”

“And we would also be breeding at that moment. This is another thing that you must know. That's why I cannot touch you. If I touch you, you'll end up pregnant and mated.”

My jaw drops open. “You’re going to knock me up? If I had sex with you tonight, I’d instantly be a mother and married to you for life?”

“Yes. Blood frenzy is our mating cycle.”

“But…but I have an IUD…”

He shakes his head. “No, this insignificant human birth control will not matter. The Korn are very potent.”

“Oh jeez.”

“This is why I’ve been telling you to keep your distance. And I am also concerned that I won’t be able to stop if you become intimate with me but then change your mind at the last moment. Human and Korn are very different when it comes to mating and breeding. Don’t start something with me that you are not ready to follow through.”

He’s not kidding about this being a big deal.

Maybe I do need to keep away. It’s going to be difficult because we’re isolated in this cabin and there’s the fact that I want to jump him right now and start making out, despite everything he’s told me. But I can’t do something so stupid as letting myself get impregnated by a vampiric guy from another planet I’ve just met. Right?

“Yes, that’s a lot to process,” I admit and glance back at the fridge that holds his bags of blood. I exhale and decide to continue making minestrone soup. I’m hungry and cooking is soothing. I like to bake and bring what I’ve made and leave it in the staff room. Knitting will also be a great activity later. It helps to take my mind off stressors, like the freezing storm that’s still raging outside and causing the cabin to creak ominously. And the big, sexy guy with fangs who wants to drink my blood.

At least he’s trying his best to keep me safe.

And I do want to keep my distance overnight and be ready to leave tomorrow. Although that means I might never see Hale Bloodworth ever again.

I take out a large pot from the cabinet and place it on the stove.

Do I want to make sure I can leave tomorrow, or do I want to stay and accept all this sexy Korn has to offer? “This must be hard for you,” I comment. “I’m sorry this frenzy is happening while you’re somewhere so distant.”

Hale runs his fingers through his hair again. “Thank you. Yes, it is difficult. On my planet oftentimes a Korn comes into their frenzy when already pleasure mating someone destined to be a mate. This is very rare that it happens like this, without a known partner nearby. I don’t understand what incited this frenzy.”

“That’s why you brought all that blood? This is what is done when you don’t want to give in to the frenzy?” I question while I place ingredients on the counter, along with my cookbook opened to the right page. “You drink blood?”

“Yes. Luckily before the ship departed, they supplied me with an emergency supply of blood, which is normal protocol.”

I pause while opening a container of fresh, pre-diced carrots, onions, celery and zucchini. “Wait, you said that before, but I wasn’t listening closely enough. You have a spaceship?” I pour some olive oil in the heated pot along with the vegetables and add salt and pepper and stir it around in the sizzling pan. “Why can't you just stay up there in orbit instead of down here in a cabin? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable up there? And also, that would be a perfect way for you to have been isolated.”

He watches intently as I begin to use a manual can opener to add cans of crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce and kidney beans to the pot. “I don’t have a personal ship,” he finally answers. “The Korn military brought me here and left for another mission.”

“Are you really the only one of your kind on my planet right now?”

“I am the only one. There will be more of us working here later though if trade relations are proven profitable.”

I stir the vegetables again, trying to monitor the state of the carrots. “So again, you don't need to drink blood every day to survive? You can eat this soup?”

“Yes. Blood-drinking is private and usually between couples. It’s more like a dessert right after a meal.”

“That’s good to know.” And suddenly I feel nervous. A huge man from another planet, of an entirely different species, is in the kitchen with me. And he drinks blood on special occasions. It’s difficult to not stare at his cut muscles and that wide chest. Why does he have to be so handsome? It’s not fair. “What are we going to do next, after we eat?” I ask, pouring in the contents of the opened cans along with the vegetable broth, trying to keep my voice even. “We have to be here together. How are we going to work this out? What are the rules?”

“Don't touch me,” Hale says. “That's the first rule.”

I let out a snort as I measure out tablespoons of Italian seasoning. “I told you already that I wasn't going to touch you.”

“I know, but not even an accidental touch. Make sure our bare skin does not touch.

Remember when we were accidentally pressed together at the front door? Or when you were trying to be helpful and wipe water off me after I returned? You cannot do that again. I almost lost control. There can't be a next time.”

He almost lost control? Why does that cause a pleasant swoop in my belly?