"What did he expect? Enzo is my fated mate, too."
"He thought you would reject his ass because Enzo wouldn't accept the fact that he would have to share you. It's not like that is a normal thing with dragons."
"Fair enough."
"But also, the last time he was in the know, you took off, and Enzo was the reason why. So, hearing that he was not only another mate you planned to complete the bond with but that he would also be living with us kind of threw him for a loop."
"Yeah, I guess."
Arlo stopped walking and turned toward her. "Can I ask you something?"
Kaida furrowed her eyebrows and nodded. "Sure."
Arlo licked his lips. Kaida couldn't help but stare as her mind thought of him running his tongue over her body.
Jeez. Not the time.
"You do plan on completing the bonds with all of us, don't you?"
Kaida leaned her head to the side and scrunched up her face. "Yeah, why?"
"It just seems like a lot to deal with. We already have other things going on in our lives, and we pretty much have to save the world, it seems. I don't know how much time we will all have to work on that part of our lives."
Kaida smiled at him. She found it cute that he was rambling. "I will admit that it has been an interesting few days. It's been a lot to take in and accept. I don't even know how I am so calm and going with the flow as it comes at me."
"Me either. I expect you to lose control and somehow break through the barrier at any moment just to escape us all."
Kaida laughed. "Not gonna lie; it has crossed my mind."
Arlo pointed at a different path that led through the woods. Kaida shrugged her shoulders and followed it.
"How are you doing with all of this?"
She sighed at his question. "Okay, I guess. As much as I want just to scream, punch my fist through a wall, and fly away to never return, that really isn't the person I want to be. I am takingthings one day at a time and reminding myself that I have the support system I need to get through it."
Arlo dropped her hand and moved his arm to be across her shoulders. Kaida leaned into him and breathed in his earthy scent. As she relaxed against him, Arlo continued.
"You told Enzo you wouldn't leave without us. Did you actually mean that?"
Kaida glanced up at him. "Of course I meant that."
"Kind of amazed that you meant it. You just met us, and things only started between us."
Kaida used the pause to her advantage. She stepped out of his arms and put her hands on the sides of his face. When she pressed her lips against his, she felt Arlo stiffen. A few seconds later, his arms went around her back and pulled her into him. He opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, making Kaida moan as his soft lips moved expertly with hers.
She broke the kiss and made him look at her before speaking. "I know what I feel. I may be new to all of this, but I am not new to understanding my own emotions. I feel the same way for you as I did when I first got to know Enzo and Beckett. The strength of our bonds is not so different from each other either. However, I can see Beckett's flame beside mine. How it is placed, I should have known that I had more mates. It's beside mine, but I never felt complete."
"How do you suppose you will feel complete?" he asked with a husky voice.
"I will feel complete when each of your flames is ignited around mine."
"Is that an invitation?"
Kaida felt the throbbing sensation return. She bit her lip as she thought of what his words meant. It didn't take her long to know the answer.