Page 73 of Dragon Untamed

"I think we need to talk," Enzo stated while his eyes were still on the girls.

"I think you do, too, twatwaffle," Remy countered.

Kaida pulled her lips into a tight line to keep her from laughing. She could save him right now, but Kaida wasn't sure if he deserved to be saved.

"Excuse me?" Enzo narrowed his eyes to Remy.

Remy growled. "I didn't stutter. You two do need to talk. You all need to talk." She pointed at all of the boys.

Enzo's stare turned into a full glare. "I don't see why you are the one who needs to say this."

Beckett put his hand on Enzo's shoulder and chuckled. "I'djust listen if I were you, my friend."

With a scrunched face, Enzo glanced back at him. "I came here to talk to Kaida."

"And we warned you that her friends would make that difficult to do alone," Beckett reminded him.

"So, we can't talk alone?" Enzo asked as he looked back at Kaida.

"Girls, let's go back inside. Give them some privacy," Adrien called out from behind Kaida.

Kaida looked back at them just in time to see Remy glare at Adrien. "What? Why should we do that? We need to be here for our girl."

"This doesn't concern us. Not to mention, I think we will be told in detail what happens anyway."

Remy growled and followed the others reluctantly. Kaida giggled before walking to the couch that was on the porch and sat down. Beckett pushed Enzo slightly as he made his way to sit next to her. Arlo and Esen went to do the same, but Enzo moved to sit on top of the ledge of the wall that was across from Kaida. Arlo sat next to Beckett, and Esen sat in a chair on the other side of Kaida. Beckett put his hand on Kaida's leg, drawing Enzo's attention. Before he could do anything, Kaida shot him a look to keep his words to himself about it.

Enzo took a deep breath, and after he let it out, he began his speech. "I want to start off by apologizing for letting my temper get the better of me. I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't expect you to be already mated when I came here. Hell, I didn't expect you to have multiple mates. So, my dragon and I grew possessive and wanted you to return home with us. I was wrong about that. You have your own mind and can tell me how you feel."

Kaida bowed her head and smiled. "Thank you."

"Also, I want to apologize for how I reacted to everything. Truth be told, I've never heard of someone having multiple mates before. I have read about Plasmas, because I had to in my studies, and I don't recall the textbook saying anything about that. It was a shock and I reacted poorly."

"I'll say!" Kaida heard through the window they were sitting in front of.

Kaida held back a laugh as she heard Adrien telling Remy to get away from the window and give them some privacy. Enzo clenched his jaw, but Kaida noticed that the others were holding in a laugh, too.

At least they understand that my friends are like this.

I wonder if Remy would punch Enzo if we let her.

Let's not give her that opportunity…yet.

"Trust me, we were all a bit shocked at finding out that I can have more mates. I was already bonded to Beckett when it happened. When my dragon emerged, and the others showed up completely, it was confusing, and we all had to come to terms with this," Kaida offered.

Enzo nodded, "I'm still coming to terms with this."

"Enzo, we didn't expect you to accept this information and join us in a big group hug. We are all still trying to understand this ourselves. We have spent time together to get a feel for the bond. At first, we kind of thought this was a ruse and that, when spending time with each other, the bond would just be there or not. Once we all felt the bond there, we realized that it was real for all of us."

Enzo blinked a few times, pondering her explanation. "That's why you are only bonded to Beckett?"

"Yeah. It wasn't like we read about this and just accepted the information and completed the bonds. After spending time with Arlo, and the bond opened up, I realized the text was right. I had multiple mates."


"Like I said earlier, dude. We are all on a learning curve. This isn't easy for any of us, but I think it is easier for us than you. We have known each other since birth, really. We look at each other like brothers. If we had to share, we couldn't have been luckier to have to share with each other. You, on the other hand, are the odd man out."

Enzo's nostrils flared, and his eyes flickered to his dragon. With a blink, his eyes returned to the storm gray Kaida knew so well. "Which is why I didn't want to do this."