"Maybe she got tired of you constantly trying to provoke her into feeling like she’s less than she is," Beckett snapped as he pulled her tighter against him.
"Because she doesn't fucking deserve to have the three best guys I know pining after her! I don't understand. Is her pussy that damn good for you three to be all on her all the fucking time?"
Beckett cocked his head as the other two growled. "The only one who even touches her all the time is me. I am the only one she is even bonded to, you dumbass."
"But those two are constantly up her fucking ass, too!"
"Because they are my mates, you dickhead! They are always around me because that is what a mate bond does! You would know that if you got your head out of your ass and remembered anything you'd been taught!"
Kaida was overhearing his voice. She needed to be as far away from him as she possibly could because, the longer she was around him, the hotter her skin grew being in his presence, and it wasn’t the kind of hot and bothered she wanted to be. On the contrary, she wanted to do more than just break his nose, but Kaida did not have to tolerate him.
And I am not going to right now. I don't need this shit.
Kaida pushed Blaze aside and marched out the door. She felt Blaze's presence follow her, and she turned just in time to avoid a blast of his magic heading straight toward her.
"What the fuck, Blaze? Will you stop being a dick for ten seconds?"
Blaze continued to throw his magic at her, fiery streams of magic that she had to jump out of the way to avoid so she wouldn't catch fire. Kaida managed to put a shield up just in time to block as Blaze pulled his hands together to increase the intensity of his magic. The thick stream of fire blew all around the shield, and Kaida felt her knees buckling as she pushed her energy into keeping the shield up.
A roar from above broke the fight up, and a rush of power knocked both of them off their feet.
Only Kaida's balance was thrown off because she knew that roar. She'd heard that roar before. As her heart raced, she knew his presence on this island meant one thing, and one thing only; Kaida slowly looked up into the sky to confirm what she felt in her soul.
Enzo had returned for her.
The bellowing roar triggered Blaze to shift into his dragon form. Kaida tried to gain their attention by throwing a blast of her magic, but Blaze ignored her and leaped into the air. Enzo's brilliant blue and gold dragon towered over Blaze's dragon from the looks of it. That did not bode well for Blaze if Enzo found him to be a threat.
Arlo, Esen, and Beckett were at her side when Blaze was as high in the air as Enzo. Kaida felt the shift in the air of Enzo gathering his magic and calling upon the storms in the clouds. The sky quickly grew gray, and the winds picked up speed. The moisture in the air brought a welcoming scent, but the storm did not fool Kaida. It was not Enzo's scent that she had once been in love with. It was him gathering all the power he could muster to strike Blaze out of the sky.
No... I can't let that happen.
Kaida called on her dragon and shifted into her form in the blink of an eye. She heard the three men try to keep her on the ground, but she ignored their pleas. With a few flaps, she was just underneath the two of them, but she was already toolate. Blaze was spewing flames as hot as the sun. The tips of the flames were white with red and orange following, causing the dragons to be shrouded in steam from the moisture of the storm. Kaida let out a roar, but her presence still went unnoticed between the two dominant males.
This was Blaze's territory, along with the three other princes. If anything, Blaze was unhappy that Enzo came to his territory uninvited and uninformed that he planned to come here. Kaida remembered that there was a process that the Rejecters had to go through before coming to the island to reclaim their mate. If Enzo didn't follow the protocol and just showed up, it would trigger Blaze's need to defend the island from an intruder. Did it matter that Enzo was the Prince of Dragaal? Not in the least. Not to a dominant male like Blaze.
Kaida watched as Enzo called the storm down from the skies with a song with his roar. Lightning webbed across the clouds before a few arcs rained down toward Blaze. Kaida pushed energy into her wings and flew past the two dragons, producing a shield to block the arcs from hitting Blaze. As the arcs of lightning cracked against her shield, Kaida cried out as the power radiated into her body and left behind a scorching pain. Her wings faltered, and she lost altitude before recovering from the strike.
But her efforts still went unnoticed.
Blaze and Enzo were shooting beams of their magic at one another as they circled each other in the sky. They charged at each other a few times to knock into their bodies and knock the other off their flight pattern. She tried to throw her own magic between them to stop the attacks, but it was useless. They wanted this battle between them to result in the other backing down. Both of them were dominant and stubborn enough not to allow the other to win.
Only one thing I can do.
Kaida allowed for the shift to take over once again, purposely leaving her wings out so she could remain airborne. Once she was human, Kaida dropped in altitude to put herself between the two dragons. As she did, Kaida realized that this was one of the dumbest things she could have done, as both of the dragons could not care that she did this and attacked anyway. Her human form was not equipped to survive that kind of attack. However, if both of the bonds that she knew she had with the two of them registered in their dragons, she would be safe. The dragons would never harm their mate. The downside was the bond with Blaze was still closed, and it could be easily ignored. That was how the two of them could still fight with their fists and magic against each other.
But the dragon is harder to convince. They are more inclined to listen than the man.
Sure enough, Kaida managed to fly between them during one of the moments they tried to charge at each other. Both dragons recognized Kaida and halted in their tracks. They both flapped their wings to keep them in the air, but both of their eyes were on her.
"Both of you need to knock your shit off! The last thing you need is to attack the damn Prince of Dragaal, Blaze. The entire Dragaal army would come here to put you in your place." Kaida looked over at Enzo. "And you! What the fuck are you even doing here?"
Enzo's body shimmered, and his dragon form faded away. Seeing his brown hair fall in front of his storm-gray eyes pulled on the broken bond between them. Kaida yearned to fly closer to him...to feel his arms around her once again. His being right in front of her had Kaida fighting her instincts to the extreme.
Go to him. Mark him. Make him ours before he changes his mind again.Her dragon panted and paced inside her mind.
No. He left us, remember?
And now he is back.