Page 56 of Dragon Untamed

A forceful wind collided with Kaida, sending her sideways. Her wings tried to correct her trajectory and nearly failed. Kaida focused on how her flight pattern should be, and her wings responded. A look around told her nothing. No one else was in the sky but her. She had never experienced a wind like that before, but thought it was possibly normal.

Until her dragon thought differently.


Kaida's wings folded into her and blocked an ice attack from above. The ice struck, and Kaida winced as she felt a scratch go down the length of her wing. Thankfully, her wings were thicker than normal, and the ice did not break the skin. Her dragon pushed for the shift, and Kaida did not fight it. Looking through her dragon's eyes, Kaida saw four dragons heading her way. All from different angles...and none of them were her princes.

It was two Ember dragons, one Tidal dragon, and one Breeze dragon. Kaida noticed their scales were dull in comparison to the princes'. They were also much smaller than her dragon, which told Kaida that these four were not on the same power level as her.

What are they doing? Why are they coming after me?

We will teach them why they shouldn't.

The sound of her dragon's roar broke through the wind. She noticed the dragons winced at the sound and stopped midflight as her dragon let loose her power. With a powerful flap, they were in the clouds above the incomers. Kaida continued to gain height so she could put distance between them. When she looked down, all four broke through the cloud she had just been in, and all four sent a stream of their respective magic at her.

Kaida swooped backward and avoided all four streams. Her movement allowed her to get out of their direct path and gaveher time to put up a shield to block any incoming attacks. With her being in her dragon's form, there was no chance for her to be able to speak to them and find out what was going on inside of their heads. The four of them did a similar maneuver and were now staring at her while hovering above the clouds. Even onlookers wouldn't know what was happening above them with their coverage. Kaida felt like that was an advantage since many people feared her already.

Another roar escaped her snout, and her dragon pushed her power into it to make the dragons question if they wanted to move forward with this attack. When they all roared back, Kaida knew the answer. They didn't care. They would do this regardless of her dragon being more powerful than theirs.

Kaida didn't want to fight. That would only push more fear into others about her if she ended these four right now. After what happened at the shops, there was no chance she would just unleash everything she had on them. She needed to show restraint and figure out how to subdue these four without injury.

Make them tired. We need to fly and keep them at bay.

That sounded like the perfect plan. If they were too tired to fly, then they would be too tired to use their magic. If they used their magic while in the air, then their energy levels would diminish quickly.

Yep. Let's go.

Kaida first darted downward to be underneath the clouds and in view. If anyone looked up, they would see everything that went down. Once her body was out of the cloud, Kaida pulled to the right and flapped her wings as hard as possible. The amount of speed she was able to produce while flying was incredible. A glance back told her that she was moving faster than the other four dragons due to the distance between them. The dragons were unhappy about it and shot magic streams in her direction.Kaida was easily able to move her body to avoid each blow. Her dragon could anticipate the streams and fly in whatever direction they needed to avoid all the attacks. Kaida paid attention to what she felt during this, hoping that her instincts or magic could tell her anything other than to fly away right now.

That's when she felt it.

Something told her that the Breeze dragon was closing in on the distance. Kaida tasted the bitterness of magic in her mouth, with a small taste of the air laced inside it and a touch of citrus. This was the scent she noticed the Breeze dragon had before she took off. If she could taste it, he was much closer than she thought.

Using a barreling roll technique, Kaida moved out of the way just in time before a cyclone formed from the cloud above her. When she stopped rolling and got a look at what was in front of her, Kaida saw the dragons using their magic to hinder her ability to move anywhere else.

Holy shit...

There was not just one cyclone; there were multiple. Where there wasn't a cyclone, there was a waterspout. She was caged in the middle of all of them, unable to fly through them without damaging herself. The winds picked up, smacking her in every direction. It was getting difficult even to hover as the magic pulled her body to fly into either a cyclone or a waterspout.

What the fuck do I do?!

I got this.

Her dragon opened her mouth and pooled every ounce of their magic they had. As she waited for the magic to build, Kaida saw the four dragons enter the middle where she was. How they could cross into the eye of the storm, Kaida did not understand. If she would have tried that, she would have gotten sucked up into one of them.

These four are working together. Who are they?

They all took notice of Kaida's magic building. As far as Kaida knew, her magic was the only one that could penetrate other dragon's scales. If they stayed where they were, they would certainly get fried. This did not register with these dragons. They started to fly at her, all from a different direction.

Kaida heard her dragon laugh, and her blood ran cold.

Her dragon let loose of the magic and circled her body around, sending it to create a circle around them. The spiral of magic created a shield that the other dragons could not come through with the thought of the magic being sent out to target the magic. With the dragons being in the way, they, too, were struck with it.

Their cries as her magic collided with them were haunting. Kaida could hear their pain down to her bones. She could see liquid rolling down their bodies and eventually toward the ground. They managed to stay in the air, but they were definitely wounded.

The magic continued its trajectory and fizzled inside of the cyclones and spouts. The power of her magic diminished theirs, sending the cyclones and spouts back into the clouds. The holders of the magic looked at one another. The expressions on the dragons’ faces told Kaida that they were contemplating if they could win this fight. With one attack from her, they were all wounded.

We can't wait to see if they wish to continue.