"Thank you. I didn't know I needed to hear that."
"Now go to your man, demand he tell us if there is a place where we can find information on the Dark Dimension, and report back to us ASAP. If no one else can stop that dimension from spreading, we sure as hell can."
Kaida smiled and gave them a nod. "Hell yeah. Let's save the world!"
We can do this. I know we can.
The smells of parchment and ink wafted in Beckett's nose as he flipped the book page in front of him. The archives had three books inside them with possible information about plasma dragons. The one he chose first talked about the history of Dragaal and the dragons that resided there. How the Great Dragon created the species and filled the land with the six types of dragons that everyone knew about. Then, it went into depth about each species.
Beckett chuckled, reading about his own breed. How Tidal Dragons were known for commanding water and having an aura that could calm others. Some Tidal Dragons gained the power to control emotions completely with their magic, whereas others could barely command a wave to stop in its tracks. Knowing that he could command the sea to part in two and walk all the way to the barrier made his chest swell with pride.
He thumbed through the pages about the others as well. Ember dragons being hot-headed, Breeze dragons being a little flakey at times, and Terrain dragons being level-headed was not news to him at all. It was as if he was reading about his friendslike they were the Archetype for their breeds. He chuckled as he read through it, causing Arlo and Esen to stare at him.
"What's so funny? You've been laughing for like ten minutes now," Arlo questioned as he looked through the book in front of him.
"Just how we all fit in the descriptions for our breeds. It's like whoever wrote this knew who we were and wrote it down to be the stereotype for our breeds. Kind of funny."
Esen scoffed, "I am not like other Breeze dragons."
"Yeah, you care more about your appearance than others."
Esen threw a ball of paper at him, "Shut up."
"Seriously though, how much time do you spend in your bathroom daily? Just wondering."
"Because if you are spending like an hour or so in there, making sure you look so good before you step out the door... why do you still look that bad?"
Esen growled, "Watch it. Not like you don't look like crap right now."
Beckett laughed. "I faced off with a Plasma dragon in a fit of rage. What's your excuse?"
"Will you both shut up? I can't concentrate on all your yammering. I thought we were looking to find information about Kaida and her dragon here. Not to find new ways to poke at each other," Arlo snapped.
"I'm always down for both."
Arlo glared at him. "Well, stop. I want to know how I am drawn to her even though she is mated. Makes no damn sense to me how that is possible."
"Simple. She is different from the rest of us. Plasma dragons haven't been around in a thousand years. She's the first one. So, she gets all the men so she can make more," Esen threw out there playfully.
Beckett narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm sure there is more to it than that. Is it every Plasma dragon that has this power of men? Is she the first one that this happened to? Is it because she was a late bloomer to get her dragon, so her system hasn't caught up with the fact that she is mated already? There is so much we need answers to."
"Let's not forget that she can kick all of our asses with her magic with very little training, and her dragon makes all of ours bow in submission. Not even the King and Queen are able to do that," Arlo added.
"I actually have a thought about that. I remember my mom saying something about that before. Like the Queen visited here, and her dragon wanted to bow to her," Esen told them.
"So, Kaida is supposed to be the Queen? Is that what you are trying to say?" Beckett wasn't sure if he believed that or not.
"I don't know. Just telling you what I remember."
Beckett turned to the book's page where information on Plasma dragons was supposed to be and noticed that it was the book's last page. He narrowed his eyes as he inspected the page front and back; not much was written on it.
"What the fuck? How are there only three paragraphs on Plasmas in this thing?"
Arlo and Esen looked up from their books and glanced at Beckett. He tried to skim the information, but it did not look like much was there–Definitely not enough to answer a lot of the questions they had.
"What does it say?"