Blaze's words cut through Kaida like a knife. She hated Blaze, but part of her thought he was still decent. Being ruled by the fire element was a challenging thing. Azulia explained to Kaida that it causes some people to feel their emotions so strongly that it makes them a little... ill-tempered. But this felt like more than that. Blaze argued with Beckett, every step of the way, that his reaction to Kaida moving in wasn't just because his emotions were hard to ignore. Blaze hated her, and it didn't seem like there was a way to fix that.
We could always get rid of him.
Yeah, like that will go over well.
Kaida couldn't focus on the task at hand anymore. The yelling continued, and there was no way Kaida could ignore it.
"What gives you the right to invite her to live with us? To mark her! We have always talked to one another about large decisions like this all our lives. What would cause you to not talk this out with us extensively before you just marked her?"
He is trying to convince Beckett to reconsider being with me.
He is an ass. Beckett knows this.
That doesn't mean he won't listen to someone he has known his entire life.
"Do you hear yourself right now? You are talking as if you understand what it means to find your mate. You have no idea what this is like. You wouldn't be able to just ignore the fact that you have a mate. You wouldn't be able to say, 'Hey guys, I have a mate, but I'll reject her if you don't like her.' It doesn't work that way!"
I told you.
"That's how it should be!"
Ugh, is he going to stop?
Kaida couldn't sit at the top of the stairs any longer. A bubble of anger was starting to boil inside of her chest. She didn't need to have Beckett fight her battles for her. Kaida walked briskly down the stairs and into the room where Beckett and Blaze were standing. It was the room with the billiards table with Beckett on one side and Blaze on the other. Blaze was nearly as red as his dragon, while Beckett looked like he was having a casual conversation.
Blaze heard her enter the room and gave her a look filled with hate, "Oh great. Now she is here."
"What is your problem with me, Blaze?" Kaida's voice held more courage than she felt she had right about then.
"You belong in your precious castle having tea parties and balls. Not here."
Kaida felt her dragon rise to the surface and let out a vicious growl. Blaze had no idea about what he was talking about. He knew nothing about her or where she belonged. Since the day she was dropped here and found the girls, she had felt more at home than she ever did inside the castle in Dragaal. She had always felt awkward and like she had to be put together all the damn time. Not here. The only expectation here was to survive, and Kaida had been able to do that just fine without the eyes of the kingdom on her every second of every day.
"You don't know shit about me, so those words mean nothing. Maybe you are the one who doesn't belong around here."
"Shut your fucking mouth, Groundy."
Kaida and Beckett both growled at Blaze. The crackling of energy around Kaida's hands drew her attention. Her magic was inside her palm, ready to be thrown at Blaze if she wished. The only thing stopping her was the idea of her magic missing and blowing up the house. She didn't know much about her magic, but she did remember how powerful it was when she used it on the beach.
"What the fuck? What is going on?"
Arlo's voice behind her made Kaida jump. She was so focused on Blaze that she allowed herself to have her back to anyone who walked through the door. When she turned around, Arlo and Esen were behind her with confused looks on their faces.
If this were a battle, I'd be dead.
Blaze is more of an enemy than these two.
"I'm trying to convince our friend and brother that moving this one in is a horrible mistake."
"Jeez, Blaze. Not this again," Arlo practically whined as he stepped around Kaida to enter the room. Arlo briskly touched her skin with her in the doorway as he entered the room. A surge of heat danced across her skin as they connected for a brief second. Kaida looked up at him to see if he felt the same thing she did, but his face gave nothing away. Esen did the same thing after Arlo, and he, too, brushed up against her. The same wave of heat fluttered her senses, and Kaida forgot that she was now in a room full of men, and that three of them didn't approve of her, including the two who had just made her feel an unlikely sensation.
Wait. Did Arlo just sound like he was complaining that Blaze was talking about me again?
"Yes. Again. I will keep bringing it up until it reaches his simple-minded brain that she is not welcome here."
Beck lifted his hand and pointed at Blaze. Arlo cut him off before he could say what he wanted.
"You're the only one who feels that strongly, Blaze."