Page 9 of Dragon Untamed

"A dragon's flame?"

"Yeah... what is that?" Adrien gave her an innocent smile. "Even while living here for this long, I don't think I heard anyone talk about a dragon's flame before."

"Oh," Kaida thought it was common knowledge but was obviously wrong. "A dragon's flame is basically an indicator of a dragon's soul. It burns the colors of the dragon and can even go out when the dragon dies. A soulmate can feel the flame blow out if their mate dies. We can see it if we open ourselves to the bond. I actually saw Beckett's flame next to mine when we became bonded," she rattled on.

The girls nodded to show that they were listening. Kaida wasn't sure if she was explaining it correctly or not for them to visualize it and understand it. Their stares turned into more of "Okay, what happened next?" She went into detail about the amazing night she had with him. He used his magic to change how cold his touch was to his advantage and took her to levels of pleasure she didn't know existed. Azulia wagged her eyebrows and said that elemental magic can make things interesting in the bedroom. Kaida had to agree with her, considering her times with Beckett using his magic was better than the times he didn't.

But I won't tell Beck that.

Then she moved on to the next morning. The mere mention of Blaze had Remy growling. It made Kaida chuckle at how much the Lycan hated Blaze. Kaida felt a touch more love for Remy because of it. Kaida did not like Blaze for the same reasons. He was far too jealous and controlling to make Kaida like him, even as a friend. How she was mulling over the thought of being more than friends with such an asshole made Kaida shudder.

"Blaze then dropped me when I was like twenty thousand feet from the water. While I was falling, I was begging the Great Dragon to do anything possible to help me. Then my dragon emerged, just in time, to save my life. It was amazing. My dragon is the rarest dragon ever to roam the Dragon Kingdom. Not to mention... the most powerful."

"WHAT?!" they screamed in unison.

Kaida laughed, "Yeah! I am a Plasma Dragon. I am naturally the most powerful dragon! I have no idea what that means. I just know that I have different magic than others, like Storm Dragons, and everyone told me that I am the strongest!"

"So... you can kick Blaze's ass?" Remy asked her gleefully.

Kaida tried not to laugh, but it didn't work, "I will assume I can, but I barely know how to use my magic. He does. But all of the guys bowed in either their Dragon or human form. Theyjust wanted to bow because of my dragon's presence. How cool is that?"

"It sounds impressive. I can't wait to see what that all means for you," Adrien told her.

"Same! I hope this means you can take over things around here. This place could use a woman's touch," Azulia added.

Remy smirked, "I just want to see you wipe the floor with Blaze's face."

Kaida shook her head.It is going to be Remy's best day of her life if I ever get into a match with Blaze and win.

I don't have a problem with this.

Kaida laughed, and everyone looked at her. She explained what her dragon said, and the girls had a chuckle about it. The next part that Kaida wanted to talk about was the one topic she didn't want to bring up. Being here with the girls just reminded her that she wouldn't have this every day. If something went wrong, she wouldn't have these girls immediately by her side to help her through it.

You are not moving to a different kingdom or realm. You are moving to another part of the island. Stop moping and get on with it.

It's not that easy. These girls took me in, no questions asked. They made me feel welcome and cared for after being dumped here by my supposed mate.

I can understand that quite well, love. I can't understand thinking you'll never see them again. You will.

Her dragon had a point. She would see the girls again. It just sucked that it wouldn't be as often.

"One more thing. Beckett has asked me to move in with him."

A collective gasp gave Kaida the satisfaction of the girls not expecting this either. It should have been normal to hearthat she would move in since she was now mated. However, something about it was just not the first thing that came to mind.

"Are you going to?" Remy asked her. "Like move in with the four of them?"

"That's the plan," Kaida told her.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute," Remy said as she stood up, "Are you going to move into the house with four men? Three of them would love to kill you just because you lived in Dragaal. That does not seem like the best environment to live in, Kaida."

Kaida couldn't argue with that, but she still had to explain what happened. "Beckett told them that if I didn't live there, then we would live elsewhere. The others didn't want that. They agreed to allow me to live there so Beckett wouldn't move out."

Adrien used her best motherly tone, "Kai, not to be mean here, but that doesn't sound like the best idea. It sounds like you two should move out to your own place."

"I agree with her. What is going to happen when you two start to build a family and everything? It's going to get cramped inside of that house."

Kaida made a face, "Uh, wayyy too soon to be talking about building a family, guys. I am not considering children any time soon. When we are at that level, Beckett and I can talk about if the house is the best place for us."