Page 60 of Dragon Untamed

Kaida looked around again, "So the bare shelves aren't because people aren't buying so you're moving stuff off the shelves?"

"Who would give you that idea?"

Arlo and Esen growled. Kaida turned to them, and they were shaking their heads and dulling down the rattling inside of their chests.

"If Blaze said something like that, ignore him. He likes to make shit up to get people's panties in a twist," Arlo told her.

Kaida glanced down at the panties she thought about showing the two of them and then back to them. She felt her dragon stir, and a small growl escaped her throat.

"Are you serious?" Azulia asked with an eye roll.

"Unfortunately. He thinks it’s funny, even though no one else seems to. It's led to all three of us punching him a few times. That still hasn't deterred him," Esen relayed while thumbing through some cocktail dresses.

"Ugh! I'm gonna kill him."

Azulia smiled and looked as if she was trying to suppress a laugh.

"What?" Kaida asked through her teeth.

"I saw smoke come out of your nose. It was really funny, and I tried not to laugh. Didn't work."

The air immediately shifted to a lighter tone, and they all laughed. Kaida shook her head and kicked herself for believing Blaze. He had never given her a reason to trust anything he said, but somehow she believed this. Kaida could only assume she didso because it involved a friend she truly cared about, and she wouldn’t have wanted to be the reason a friend’s business went downhill.

"Then if you aren't mad at me, why have you been a little distant?"

Azulia's shoulders sagged, and Kaida noticed the bags under her eyes. Kaida started to kick herself harder when she finally realized the piece of the puzzle she was missing.

"I've been so busy at the shop that I have been closing later than normal. I'm getting like four hours of sleep at night because I am trying to make some clothes after I lock up just to keep my stock high enough to support the demands from this surge of clients. I know I'm not the only clothing shop on the island, but it sure as hell feels like I am."

Arlo was beside Kaida in an instant. She was surprised at what happened next.

"A lot of things have been happening on the island. The other two shops are not functioning properly right now due to the owners going a little... berserk. Is there a way we can help you to pick up the slack or something?"

Azulia's eyebrows were raised just like Kaida's. "Uh... yeah, actually. Do either of you boys know how to work a register?"

"I do," Arlo answered.

"Okay, cool. Can you run the register while I make some new items?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

Kaida glanced over at Azulia. Her shoulders were no longer slouched, and there was a brightness in her eyes now that she had some relief. Kaida smiled at Arlo and gave him a wink. A warmth spread across her chest when he returned her smile. Esen came over and asked how he could help as well. Azulia approached a pile of clothes on hangers and asked him to hangthem up. Kaida joined him, and they all found a rhythm in no time.

Another rush of customers came in before Kaida was able to ask about the other shop owners Arlo was talking about. She knew people were losing control of themselves since that's all she heard from the princes. However, she did not know that it was affecting people so much that Azulia was now the only clothing shop on the island that was running.

None of the customers were rowdy in any way. Many of them were thankful that Azulia was still open. Quite a few people were looking for dresses for an upcoming dance the school was having. Azulia had to take orders for custom dresses and even had to figure out a schedule to get everything done in time. Kaida stepped in and was able to figure out a schedule that worked for the customers and Azulia, which led to Azulia stating that the clothes that Kaida wanted made would now be free. Kaida tried to protest, but Azulia would not hear any of it.

This continued until nearly ten o'clock before Azulia had had enough and put the closed sign on the door. They all lay down on the floor and tried to catch their breath.

"I've never had this much business."

Kaida rolled her head to look at Azulia, "Well, at least you're making a shit ton of money right now. That's a good thing, right?"

Azulia sighed, "I'd rather the normal amount of business I had. Now I feel like I have to hire an assistant. I don't want to. I like how things were and having the shop to myself.

Kaida giggled. "I can always be the assistant."

Azulia's eyes went a tad wide, and rocked her head back and forth while she thought about it. "I would actually rather you than anyone else."