Page 6 of Dragon Untamed

Blaze chortled, "I didn't know you were smart."

"For your information, I am going over to my old place to gather some things. Is that okay with you?"

"I'd be more okay with you just staying there."

"That sucks for you, then," Kaida said as she continued her way to the door, "I hope I don't ruin your day further when I return. Wait... actually, I kind of do hope it ruins your day."

Kaida made sure not to slam the door on her way out. She did not want to give him the satisfaction of making her that angry. It still made no sense to her why Blaze hated her so much.

I think it is more of ahimproblem.

I guess so. He seems to have a fair number of issues.

Isn't he an Ember dragon?

Yes. Why?

Being tied to the Fire element makes you a bit...


I was going to say hot headed.

Well, I am going with an asshole.

Fair enough.

Kaida pushed the thoughts of Blaze out of her mind as she walked down the hill toward the town below. As much as she tried, he continued to pop back in. The fire in his eyes every timehe looked at her didn't always seem to be out of anger. However, she was already wrong about that today.

Jeez. I have sex with one guy, and then I think every guy is after me. What is wrong with me?

While walking through town, Kaida noticed that people were staring at her. When she would look in their direction, they would look away as if they weren't and did a terrible job of hiding it. Kaida frowned at them but continued on her way. It wasn't as if looking at someone strange was against the law. However, it did seem weird that they were looking at her that way.

She could feel their eyes watching her as she crossed town. When she was out of line of sight with one person, another person noticed her. Kaida started to feel self-conscious and looked down at herself. She was wearing clothes, so it was not because she walked out of the house naked. A pair of dark jean shorts, black shoes, and a purple blouse was not something out of the ordinary either. Certainly, more comfortable than the usual dresses she wore in the kingdom, but not an outfit that was deemed worthy to get these stares.

And I know I don't have bed head. I looked in the mirror before leaving just to be sure!

Kaida shivered as she stepped out of the busy area of town and onto the path to Adrien's home. The feeling of eyes on her finally disappeared. She could feel the comforting energy of Adrien and Azulia's magic and began to relax. Remy's aura was mixed in there, too. It was hard to pinpoint Sundrei's energy, but she could feel it when Kaida stepped through the fence door.

They are all here. Thank you, Great Dragon. I needed this.

Adrien stepped out onto the porch, wearing a smile on her face. Her silver hair was tied back, and she wore a pair of overalls. As Kaida walked closer, she could see dirt on the bottom of her pants. Kaida raised her eyebrows at her friend, and Adrien rolled her eyes.

"Azulia just couldn't wait to plant this new tree out back."

"Well, of course. Trees need dirt to eat; not planting it would starve it!"

Adrien narrowed her eyes at Kaida, "I see whose side you are on."

Kaida held back her laughter horribly, causing Adrien to make an annoyed sound and then walk back into the house. Kaida followed her into the backyard where Azulia was planting the tree. It was just a tiny thing that was maybe three feet tall. Azulia looked quite proud of it as she put her left hand on her hip and held a hand shovel with her right. Her pretty blue hair, tied up, blew in the gentle breeze, and she wore a similar outfit to Adrien. The blue Faerie wings were not there, but Kaida had a feeling that it would be difficult with them on display while gardening.

"Quite a tree you got there," Kaida told Azulia.

"Thank you. Just wait until it grows. This tree is going to be a landmark someday."

Adrien shook her head while rolling her eyes. Her silence told Kaida that she did not agree to this one bit.Whywas the question that Azulia would hopefully answer.

"What's so special about this tree?"