Kaida's eyebrows nearly reached her hairline. "Someone attacked you?"
"Swung at me. I wouldn't necessarily call that attacking me."
"How did you just...not defend yourself?"
Arlo chuckled again, "I used my magic to tie his hands behind his back. It certainly proved to be the best way to keep him from himself."
Maybe he can tie us up with his magic?
Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
Kaida noticed Arlo's nostrils flaring, and his pupils nearly turned to slits. Inside their bond, Kaida could feel lust flood through her, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She didn't want to respond because she wasn't sure what exactly was happening. Instead, she cut a portion of the pancakes into the form of a triangle and shoved it in her mouth. It was just as delicious as the bacon. The pancakes were fluffy and sweet. She could taste a subtle hint of vanilla in the batter. Paired with the saltiness of the bacon taste in her mouth, Kaida couldn't stifle the moan. Arlo sucked in a breath and then turned back toward the stove.
What happened? What did I do?
He could smell your arousal from the idea of him tying you up, and then you moan. He is doing his best to restrain himself right now.
Kaida paid attention to the bond and could feel what her dragon explained inside of it. Kaida licked her lips and did her best to pay attention to the food and not make another noise. If Arlo turned his back on her, clearly, he did not want to push the boundary just yet.
At least, that is what I think I am feeling through the bond.
Arlo cleaned up while Kaida finished her meal. They continued to discuss all of the things that he ran into while on patrol. It was exactly what he said. The Dark Dimension somehow touched all these people even though it did not pass the peninsula. That was something she would need to talk to Adrien about.
"I already asked Adrien. She didn't know what could have happened. If you destroyed the opening and no one breathed it in but you, how it got to everyone on the island is crazy."
"Maybe it is from the mainland. Like...maybe it's being blown over this way," Kaida suggested.
Arlo shrugged, "I don't know. I guess that makes the most sense. If there is an opening that way, maybe it's coming here. How? Unsure. It's not like we have seen more of the mist you and Beckett encountered."
Kaida wasn't sure what to say, so she ate the last few pieces of pancakes she had left, frowned that there were no more, and put her dishes into the sink. Arlo washed them in silence, and Kaida sat back down in her seat. Beckett mentioned that he didn't want her to patrol like the rest of them but did encourage her to get out and about while he was away. Kaida wondered what the girls were up to and thought about going to see them. When she remembered that they all had jobs and probably couldn't hang out, Kaida stared out the window instead.
"Do you have anything going on today?" Arlo asked her while turning off the water.
Kaida looked at him and frowned. "Nope. Beckett said he didn't want me on patrol, and I am pretty sure the girls are working. I am trying to figure out something to do so I don’t go crazy with boredom."
Arlo smirked. "Would you like to hang out with me then?"
His black hair fell over his blue eyes, making him look more intriguing. Kaida bit her lip and thought about the possibilities of what Arlo could suggest for them to do. Tying her up came to mind, and she immediately had to banish the thought.
Let's not go there just yet.
"Do you have something in mind?"
Arlo's smirk quickly turned into a grin. Kaida could feel that he had many things in mind. Things might get heated up in here if they were anything like her ideas. He walked around the island and then held out his hand to her. When she put her hand in his, she could feel the static that she’d felt during their walk home from their date. The sensation was welcome, and a shiver went down her spine that spread through her body. Kaida hid from Arlo that she liked the feeling so he wouldn't rush her to the bedroom. If he had a second date in mind, Kaida wanted to see what his mind could concoct to sweep her off her feet.
Arlo led her outside and down toward the town. Their path would lead them right to the heart of all the shops, and Kaida had no problem with this plan. The memories of the last time she went shopping came to the forefront of her mind. Her heart squeezed at the memory of being with Enzo, and she kept her face hidden from Arlo so he couldn't see the pain she felt from it. The bond she once shared with Enzo ached, and Kaida did her best to push the memory back into the box she kept.
I am with Beckett and being courted by Arlo. Enzo didn't want me. I just need to forget he existed.
The familiar building of Azulia's shop came into view, and it helped Kaida push the memory aside. She found herself jogging to the shop and burst through the door. Azulia was standing behind the counter, ringing up a customer's order. Her pinkish eyes lit up at the sight of Kaida, and she flashed a big smile. When she held up a finger to tell Kaida she'd be with her in a minute, Kaida walked around the shop to look at all the clothes Azulia had made. Arlo walked in a minute later, scanned the room, and then walked behind Kaida.
"Find anything you like?" Arlo asked her as Kaida touched the different fabrics.
Kaida shook her head, "Not yet. Nothing is calling out to me."
"Probably because I have spoiled you by just creating clothes for you instead of letting you pick them out off the racks."
Azulia's voice was suddenly next to her, and Kaida jumped. Azulia smiled and opened her arms for Kaida to hug her. Kaida wasted no time stepping into them.