"Pretty sure. It was the only logical explanation, especially with how it affected me."
Beckett licked his lips and nodded. He looked back out at the sky and groaned. "It does explain that. It also explains what I had to deal with before coming here. A dragon that I know isn't normally a speciest dick just tried to attack a Lycan for existingon the same ground as him. Never really experienced anyone being like that, but it happened today. Now I know why. I didn't really put the Dark Dimension as the culprit, but it makes sense."
Her eyebrows rose. "So you know a lot about the Dark Dimension?"
"I know enough. It really isn't good for it to be spilling into our world. Many supernaturals have animal counterparts or animalistic characteristics that would make us all feral. Look what it did to you. Nate wanted to kill someone when he is as grounded as the element that rules his magic and dragon. It is definitely not a good thing that it's here. Even worse is that I am aware of no documented way of banishing it."
"My magic seemed to do the trick," Kaida deadpanned.
This was the tricky thing. Kaida was aware that her magic made the small opening on the island disappear. If her magic was able to close it, then they should be trying to find a way back onto the mainland to close the rift there.
But I am not allowed to return to the mainland unless my ex-mate returns for me.
Beckett narrowed his eyes at her for a moment, a growl breaking the silence in the room, "Absolutely not. You are not going anywhere near the opening."
Kaida furrowed her eyebrows as she lifted her lip at him. "And why do you think you can tell me what I can and cannot do?"
"I am your mate, and I will not have my mate going out and putting her life at risk when I just found her!"
Kaida pushed herself to her feet. Even though she was trying to stand to make herself look bigger, it was impossible to be taller than Beckett. The guy was over six feet tall, and Kaida was barely five foot eight.
"I'm sorry, but I don't see how that makes you in charge of me. If my magic is the one thing that can close the damn openingoutside of that artifact, why shouldn't I be the one to go out there to close it?"
"You can get hurt!"
"And millions can die! I'm pretty sure one life isn't as important as millions!"
"It sure as hell is when that one life is my fated mate's life!"
Beckett's voice boomed through the house, causing it to shake. Kaida stood firmly in place and managed not to wince. Something about this did not feel right to Kaida. Through their bond, she could feel Beckett's love for her pour into her and even fear of losing her. It made her heart skip a beat, knowing that he cared for her that much and didn't want to lose her. This was what a mate was supposed to be like.
But it's also about being partners.
Kaida watched her parents for years, and they were role models of the perfect pairing. She remembered that her mother supported every adventure her father wanted to go on. Every decision he wanted to bring to the council, she was the first one to stand up and say that she seconded it.
"Beck, I love knowing that you are beyond terrified to lose me. It seriously makes me weak in the knees, knowing I have someone who wants to have me in their life so badly that he wouldn't dare let anything happen to me. But, if we want this mateship to work, you must also understand that I need support as much as I need to be cared for."
Beckett quickly closed the distance between them and wrapped her up in his arms, bending down so she could wrap her arms around his neck. The scent of the sea wafted into her nose as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. The bond was flooded once again with love and fear. She could feel him trying to devise the words to say to her, but she already knew what to say.
"I'm not saying I'm going to march out that door and go find the opening right now. I can't even leave the island, and it looks like it's more on the mainland." Kaida pushed herself away just enough to look into his beautiful blue eyes. "I want us to come up with some kind of plan to keep the island safe. The library needs to be open so Adrien can look for an idea on where to find the artifact."
Beckett kissed the tip of her nose. "So you aren't planning on running off and fighting this on your own?"
"Pfft, like I can do that by myself, and if you had just asked instead of accusing me of something I never planned in the first place, neither of us would have gotten so worked up. I don't know how to use my magic or control my dragon from losing her shit, and if you think I'm going to go off on my own and battle an entire dimension, you have a lot more faith in me than I do."
Beckett captured her lips with his and kissed her fiercely. Suddenly, her back landed on the bed.
"Let me make you forget about all that darkness for a bit," Beckett rumbled at her.
I like the sound of that.
Beckett's hot mouth pressed against her stomach as he gently pulled her panties down from under her skirt. Kaida let out a moan as she threaded her fingers through his soft hair. Beckett groaned in response and dropped to his knees. When he pushed her legs open and breathed a puff of cold air onto her entrance, Kaida felt herself throbbing. If Beckett was going to use his Tidal magic, this would be fun.
To torture her more, Beckett grabbed her ankle, leaned back, and began to kiss up her leg slowly. With each kiss, Beckett opened his mouth wider and allowed his tongue to graze her. He stopped long enough to slide his tongue between her folds before grabbing her other leg to do the same. Kaida wiggled as the intensity of anticipation coiled in her stomach. Beckett was being patient to make this unbearable. The warmth of his hands touched the middle of her thigh, and Kaida gasped. After feeling his cold breath, the warmth made her jump. When he pushed her legs wider, Kaida managed to look down just as Beckett glanced up at her, making sure that he kept his eyes on her, opened his mouth, and ran his tongue between her folds. Beckettused his magic again to make his tongue cold, giving her an extra jolt of pleasure through her system.
It felt daring to keep her eyes on his, but each stroke of his tongue as their eyes connected made her reach a climax that had her whole body convulsing. Kaida's back hit the bed once again, and she bucked her hips to keep the rhythm that Beckett started. Beckett continued to stroke with his tongue until he could feel her legs wrapped around his neck. He took that as a sign to dip his tongue inside her. Kaida cried out as her walls crashed around his tongue and bucked her hips to keep him in the same spot.
Beckett pulled himself away from her, and Kaida hissed from the sudden absence of his warmth. She lifted her head just as Beckett grabbed onto her hips and flipped her over. Kaida gasped and found her footing so she didn't fall off the bed. Kaida heard Beckett's pants fall to the ground before his hands found her hips again.