Page 35 of Dragon Untamed

Yes, that is why. I've never heard of a Faerie being able to do that or be able to wield it.

I have powerful friends.

Good. You may need them someday.

"Well, I am not aligned with that dimension or the Unseelie. Never would I join that side. I am still me. I just wield theshadows. I used that magic to make it so we could disappear and reappear. Well, that and the light. I don't know how to really describe it."

Sounds intricate.

I'll say.

"Well, now my dragon knows. Hopefully, she remembers so this doesn't happen again. I'm sorry she tried to attack you guys."

Adrien waved her hands, "No. This was good. We wanted to train you and your dragon, and it looks like we did just that. You may have even gained some control over her. Was it you who stopped her?"

"Yeah, actually. I started doing whatever I could to get her attention and told her to stop."

"Well, that must have felt good. Last time, she wouldn't listen to you at all."

Kaida smiled as she felt proud of herself, "Yeah. That's progress."

"And your magic! You were a badass today! You were slinging your magic around like a boss. I didn't even know you could do those things." Remy was excitedly fist-pumping the air as she spoke.

"It's like whatever I imagine, my magic does. I know I can't do things like Elementals, but it feels like, if I want a shield, I can make one. If I want to attack, the plasma builds it and then blasts it. I didn't know plasma could do that."

Adrien shrugged, "I don't think anyone knows what you or your magic are capable of. There hasn't been a Plasma Dragon in, like... what? A thousand years?"


"I wonder if there are any books anywhere that can tell us." Azulia pondered out loud.

"I feel the guys are already trying to figure that out."

Remy cocked her head sideways, "Why do you say that?"

"Well... I think I feel drawn to all of them."

All four of their mouths dropped open.

"You what?" Remy asked in disbelief.

Kaida took a moment to gather her thoughts. She didn't know how to really say this. But if she could tell anyone without judgment, it feels like it would be these four girls.

"I don't feel drawn to just Beckett. I feel it towards Arlo, Esen, and even Blaze. I don't know why. After being mated, I thought that it would go away. Instead, it seems to be getting stronger."

Remy looked at the others before she settled back onto Kaida. "Maybe you have multiple mates?"

"Is that a thing?"

The other three girls shrugged. Kaida's face fell a little at that. She hoped that any of them knew someone with multiple mates before, so this would not feel as weird.

"Well, I will say this. I did feel a pull to multiple people before I came here. It felt weird when my mate showed up, and it clicked with him. I thought for sure it would be the other three, even one of the other three, that I felt the pull to who would be my mate," Remy confessed.

It was Kaida's turn for her jaw to drop open, "I'm not the only one?"

The other three girls looked at one another and then nodded. All of them had already experienced the same thing Kaida is experiencing now. Why would it be happening to all of them? Are the Gods planning something?

Does this mean I do have more than one mate?