Kaida noticed Azulia and Adrien pop back onto the sand, and the black aura that was on Azulia disappeared when she did. Kaida's dragon turned her gaze onto them and roared.
She is aligned with the Dark Dimension!
No, she is not! Azulia is our friend!
Then where did that black magic come from?!Her dragon hissed.
The problem was that Kaida had no idea. She was still learning about everything her friends could do with their magic. Kaida knew that Azulia was an Aether Fae. She mentioned that when they all met.
What did Azulia say about being an Aether Fae? Something about being connected to everything... right? Maybe that means Shadows and Light, too?
To have control over the Shadows means she is aligned with the Dark Dimension!
Not necessarily!
Her dragon ignored her. Kaida could see the looks of fear on her friends' faces as they looked up at her dragon. They wouldn't know if her dragon would attack or not. This is their first time coming face to face with her in dragon form. As far as they knew, she didn't have control over her dragon. Meaning that her dragon could choose to hurt them right now. Kaida pushed on her bond with her dragon again, and she managed to make her dragon stop in her tracks after she opened her mouth and began to form a beam of plasma that was aimed directly at her friends.
Kaida thought about her mate. She remembered that after she had shifted down, her dragon seemed to calm her when Beckett touched her. That was the answer! She needed her mate to come and calm her dragon down!
Finding her mate bond with Beckett was harder, knowing that her dragon could attack her friends if she did not focus on the right thing long enough. She found the bond between her and Beckett, and she felt the warmth and love that he was feeling for her when she grazed it. Kaida smiled briefly and then pulled on the chord inside of her. She didn't have a clue if this would work. She could be making him want to kill her by doing this. At that moment, Kaida didn't care. That was the goal as long as it brought Beckett where they were.
Dragon! I want you to stop this. If you hurt my friends, I will find a way to keep you caged!
The dragon roared;you will do no such thing!
Then calm your ass down! Azulia doesn't have anything to do with the Dark Dimension!
Then how was she able to command the shadows like that?
I don't know! But we can ask her! Shoot now and ask questions later works for no one!
What are you talking about?
Ugh, it doesn't matter! Allow me to shift back! We can ask!
The dragon growled and closed her mouth. Kaida noticed her friends’ shoulders slouch, and they both sat down on the sand as if the energy they had was what had been keeping them standing. The dragon blew a puff of smoke at them, which caused them to roll out of the way. She could feel her dragon's amusement at seeing her friends fearing her. Kaida mentally tried to slap her dragon for doing that, but it just came across as her swiping at air.
Do not try to scold me. I was only trying to protect us.
I don't care. You need to stop thinking that our friends will hurt us.
Our mate's friends have tried to kill us. How are these four any different?
They just are! You need to trust me and my judgment.
I do not. You should trust my judgment.
Ugh, you are so stubborn!
Beckett arrived just in time. His bright blue wings caught her dragon's attention. Beckett was not in full dragon form, which seemed to disappoint her dragon. When he landed on the sand, he reached out for her dragon to touch her snout against him. The dragon's chest rumbled as she lowered her head and put hersnout to his touch. Her eyes closed, and she continued to purr as he stroked her scales.
"What happened here?" Beckett asked her friends.
"We were trying to help train Kaida, and her dragon must have taken it as an attack. She came out and just let loose whatever she could to take us down," Adrien explained.
"Oof. Sounds like fun. She didn't hurt anyone, did she?"
Azulia shook her head. "No, thankfully. I think Kaida was able to reign her in before she could."