Page 32 of Dragon Untamed

"Just a bit. Comes with practice. Wanna go again?"

Kaida let herself fall enough to put her feet onto the ground and rolled her shoulders. Using her magic this way felt great and was a lot of fun. It didn't feel like it did with the guys. Nothing felt malicious, and the blows only stopped her from catching her breath. If anything, she needed more training sessions like this compared to what she experienced before with the guys.

"Hell yeah. This is fun."

"As it should be. If we get back to our people, we should all have our trainers to do sessions like this. Even call in other species to train with just to get used to everything," Azulia said to no one in particular.

Adrien nodded drastically. "I swear if training were more like this when I had to, I would have gotten up at dawn with no issue."

Remy's Lycan stretched itself out. Its black fur almost shimmered in the sunlight. Kaida felt the need to outstretch her arm and try to pet her fur but managed to keep it at her sides. It looked so soft and inviting. Kaida wondered if people would end up dead because they thought petting a Lycan would be a good idea.

"Okay. I'm ready," Adrien said as she jumped around on the balls of her feet.

Kaida pulled up her magic and stood as if she was ready for anything. No one made a move again as they all stared at each other. The Lycan gave Kaida a wolfish grin, then lunged at her. Kaida was prepared for the Lycan form and threw a plasma ball at it. She did not expect the Lycan to transform into a regular, four-legged wolf form, dodging her plasma ball and collidingwith her body. Kaida's back hit the sand, and she felt herself cackle as her friend began to lick her face.

"Damn it! I forgot you can do that, Rem! I wasn't prepared!"

"That's the point, Kai! You can never be too prepared for battle. People come out of nowhere with abilities that you can't foresee. My turning into a wolf and Sundrei turning into a crazy amount of bats both threw you off. Training is important," Adrien reminded her.

"I'm... not... disagreeing!" Kaida said between laughs as Remy's wolf continued to lick her face.

The wolf finally decided to lay off and backed away. Remy shifted back into her human form with a smug look on her face.

"Beauty of that ability is that no one expects it. It's awesome. But since you deflected the first attack, my wolf wanted to get one over on you."

"Fair enough."

"I'm gonna sit out the rest though. I don't want the wolf to think this is a battle. You running from her or flying away or attacking her can just trigger her animalistic side. You don't want that."

Sundrei nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm with you there. Why not just leave it to the magic wielders? At least today. We can try your techniques another day."

Sundrei and Remy walked off to the side and sat in a place that could allow them to see everything unfold. Kaida looked around and rolled her shoulders again. Her friends were smiling at her. The love and pride in their eyes made Kaida tear up.

"Okay, Kai. Let's go."

Kaida threw a ball of plasma without thinking about it. Both of her friends dodged her and then threw their own magic at her. Kaida sidestepped both balls of magic and formed another ball in her hand. She threw it at the sand in front of them to make acloud of sand shroud their eyes. Azulia made the wind blow the sand away before Kaida could make her next move.

Azulia looked at Adrien with a smirk. Adrien threw her hands up, and Kaida was waiting for something to happen. Azulia threw her hand down, and Kaida followed the movement. The ground underneath her began to shake. Kaida crouched briefly to keep her balance and then jumped into the air. Her wings took over and kept her in the air as she threw her plasma ball down at them.

Only they weren't there.

Kaida looked around and couldn't find them. Then... something plopped onto her shoulders, and Kaida lost focus again. As Kaida fell down toward the ground, Azulia was suspended in the air with Adrien beside her. Dark tendrils were around Azulia's form, and Kaida wasn't sure what was happening.

Her dragon roared again. This time, she couldn't stop the shift from happening. The dragon pushed until Kaida's body transformed into her other form. Within seconds, her large purple dragon was in the air.

Do not hurt them!

Kaida's dragon opened her mouth and sent out a beam of plasma at Azulia and Adrien. Both of them disappeared in a ball of black, and then there was no hint of their presence again. The dragon's head whipped around in every direction to find where they could have gone. Her dragon roared and started to send beams of plasma everywhere she could in hopes of striking them.

Stop! You don't want to do this!

The dragon ignored Kaida's pleas as she sprayed her plasma in every direction. Kaida pushed on the walls of her dragon's bond to try to force the shift back, but it was useless. Her dragon somehow put up a wall between them, so there was no chance for her to do that.

Stop! Now!

Her dragon did not listen and flew down to the sand. She whipped her long neck around, and her eyes landed on Sundrei and Remy. Her dragon roared as Sundrei put her arm over Remy's chest to protect her from coming toward the dragon.

"Kaida! Call your dragon off!" Remy yelled as if Kaida wasn't trying.