"Is the liquid a different color for you, too?"
"Yeah, actually. It's pink."
"It's purple."
"The liquid is purple."
Kaida tilted her head back and drained the contents inside her mouth. She kept her mouth open and leaned just enough for Adrien to peer inside. She felt the Witch step closer to look inside her mouth.
Holy shit. It tailors to individual people. That's so crazy.
Swallow the damn potion so we can train. Tired of you kids sitting around and talking when work is to be done.
When did you get so bossy?
When there were things to be done, and you were sitting on your ass. GOOOOO!
Kaida closed her mouth and swallowed the contents. Like she thought, the potion tasted like liquid grapes. The fire she felt as it slid down her throat felt like the blast of fire from Blaze. When itsettled in her stomach, Kaida felt pressure sliding up her throat. She thought she would spew the contents on the floor for a moment. Instead, she belched.
“Jeez. That was gross. Excuse me.
Adrien laughed, "It's okay. Happens to everyone. Did it feel like metal going down your throat?"
Kaida's eyes went wide, "No! It felt like fire!"
"Oh my, this potion is the weirdest thing on the planet."
“So you never did this with your coven?”
Adrien looked away with a pained face, "No. I wasn't involved much. I was training to become the next High Priestess. I learned the spells and potions but never got to be involved in seeing people ingest them. I know I had to drink this a lot when I was training. I remember what it looked like and tasted like for me. That's about it."
"Wow, and here I thought you'd be more involved because of your training to be a leader."
"Things always seem that way until you are in the seat to do it, huh?"
Kaida nodded. She was tutored her whole life to help lead her kingdom. Somehow, it still wasn't enough. She wondered often if her own parents had to experience things on their own to be able to help the King and Queen.
Is experience in the field something that you should be required to do before you can sit on the council? I feel like it would be if my parents hadn't known things like this before they sat on the council.
"Okay! You two can stop now! Let's get outside and train this girl up already!" Remy growled as she stomped down the hall.
Adrien laughed along with Kaida, and they walked down the hall side by side. For the first time since their discussion about the dimension, Kaida did not feel like she was at odds with her friend.
Once outside, Kaida felt the potion move from her stomach to every inch of her body. The fire brewed again, making her skin feel hot to the touch. She felt herself waving her hands and feet as if the movements would cause enough air to touch her skin and cool it down.
"It'll go away in a few seconds. It's just healing what it needs to so you can be in fighting shape."
"This shit is so bizarre. I don't know what's happening in my body, and I just want to run into the water right now."
"I know. I felt the same way, except I just really wanted to scream until the pain vanished. I think I asked my mom once why it was like that, and she just said it was because of how the magic worked. Words didn't really make it better if you asked me," she said with a chuckle.
"I guess not. And you said you had to drink it often?"
"Oh yeah. Witch training is intense as hell. We get our magic young, and we have to master it by the time we turn eighteen so we can be initiated into the coven. If not, within a year after that, you have to go rogue. It sucks. Not many Witches fail to master their magic, though."