Kaida looked down below, and the town was directly under her. She noticed a few people were looking up at her since they were only maybe twenty feet above the rooftops. Kaida waved her arm as wide as she could so they could see her. A little girl bounced happily up and down and waved her arms back, then got the adults to wave at her. She could feel a warmth spread across her chest at the sight of them.
"Well, look at that! The people love you already!" Beckett called out to her.
Kaida smiled and then turned her body to fly in a new direction. This island was so big, and she had barely seen any of it. She could fly around the entire island with the angle she moved to see it all. There were sections of the land for each species. It looked as though each section was directly across from where their kingdom would be on the mainland. The pavilion seemed to be almost at the edge of the dragon area, and the town below was a neutral zone.
It was a gorgeous place to be. The island seemed to have a plethora of vegetation all around it. Each side had a beach, andpeople seemed to go for picnics. The center of it, with the town, appeared to be the busiest area, but that was to be expected since the outside of it had all the houses for the residents.
After seeing the whole island, Kaida pushed on her dragon to go into an entire shift. When her dragon didn't respond, Kaida looked at Beckett, flying next to her. He gave her a concerned look, tucked his wings in, did a barrel roll, and then was underneath her before he pushed out his wings again. Kaida let out a laugh seeing him flying upside down as he gave her a cocky grin.
"What's wrong? I can feel you are nervous about something."
"I pushed on my dragon to shift, but she isn't responding."
Beckett shrugged, "Maybe she doesn't want to come out."
He has a point,"Okay. I guess we can continue flying this way, then. I really am enjoying it anyway."
"Let's fly higher!" Beckett yelled before doing a partial backflip, thrusting his wings as hard as possible and zooming high into the sky.
Kaida stared up at him and chuckled to herself. The way he was able to quickly adjust to new things was something she admired about him. He didn't seem to overthink at all. He does what he wants and allows whatever happens to happen.
Is that what happens when the Tidal magic influences you, or is it just because that is who he is? I guess that’s something I may need to ask someday.
Kaida tried to focus on throwing energy into her wings to be able to fly upward, but again, there was no response. She imagined flapping them the same way Beckett did, but they continued to remain stretched out, and she slowly glided along instead. Kaida looked down to see where she was and noticed she was over the water. There was a small peninsula off the coast of the witch territory.
Weird. I didn't see this earlier when we flew over here. How is that possible? I paid attention so I would know where everything was, yet I don't remember this at all. Beckett didn't even point it out.
With a small push from the breeze, Kaida continued to fly directly over the peninsula. She wasn't sure if Beckett had noticed that she wasn't following, but something inside of her wanted a closer look at this small piece of land that everyone seemed to have, somehow overlooked. There were a few buildings, maybe four or five, and a large structure that looked like it had burned down. She could still smell the scent of burnt wood from afar, almost like this was recent.
Huh, that is strange. How haven't I heard about this? The girls would have said something if they knew about it...and they seem to know everything happening around here.
Kaida felt her dragon stir inside of her. There was a sizzling sound, and Kaida noticed her purple magic archaically dancing across her skin. The dragon inside of her roared as Kaida felt her push a shift before she could understand what was happening. In a blink, Kaida's human form was no more, and her Plasma Dragon form emerged, spewing arcs of purple light as she roared toward the sky.
What are you doing?She asked her dragon as she changed the trajectory of her movement and plummeted toward the ground.
A loud roar came from above, but her dragon ignored it. Kaida knew that it was Beckett's dragon coming to reign hers in. There was only one problem with that.
Her dragon was stronger than his.
With a quick movement, her dragon shot a plasmatic ball of energy at Beckett's dragon over her shoulder and continued to make her way down to the ground. The dragon wasn't far from its target destination now and stretched out her wings to slow down just before they landed.
Whatever you are doing, stop! I don't know why you aren't listening! I don't even know if we are allowed to be here!
The dragon functioned as though Kaida had said nothing to her. She stomped along and blew arcs of light at the buildings. Pieces of rubble blew in every direction as the arcs cut through them. After enough of the building was blown to pieces, the structure crumbled and fell to the ground. More rocks and dust covered the area as the roar from Beckett's dragon continued to call to Kaida's. Kaida pushed onto the bond to force a shift back, but it was useless. Her dragon was in control, and she could do nothing about it.
Stop! You need to stop this at once! I don't know why you are doing this! STOP!
Kaida felt a blast of pressurized water strikes her dragon's back. She felt her dragon be pushed to the ground slightly, but then she stood up and looked toward the direction the water had come from. Beckett's blue Tidal dragon was hovering above, and Kaida could see him pulling water from the sea to swirl around him. He gave a warning growl and a few short roars at her dragon as he continued to pool together an ample amount of water for an attack.
Her dragon spewed arcs of her own magic at him and struck him in the chest.
Beckett's dragon flew until it hit a large tree, knocking it over as the momentum pushed it. Her dragon seemed to be pleased with herself and looked at the next building.
Kaida tried to focus on a new angle to understand what was happening to her dragon. There had to be a reason why she was so destructive. Even though the dragon took her time emerging, she still knew that dragons didn't act this way. Even late bloomers had more control over their dragon counterpart than this. The human and dragon had a mutual understanding and could work together without issue.
This can't be because she is a Plasma Dragon. That doesn't make much sense.