Kaida cleared her throat, and he flashed her a full-toothed grin, "What are you hiding?"
"Nothing. Why would I be hiding something?"
"Your face is about as red as Blaze's dragon right now. You must be hiding something after trying to close that drawer just because I entered the room."
Kaida's cheeks felt hot.Damn it. My body betrayed me.
"I'm not hiding anything. I am just trying to unpack," Kaida replied while she bent over to grab a few shirts from a box, "Youjust startled me. That's all."
"Then why were you blushing?"
"That's what happens when I get scared!"
The rumble inside of his chest had Kaida rubbing her thighs together. There was always something about that rumble that made her want him. It did not help that she felt the heat from his body right behind her. The throbbing that started in between her legs as he whispered, "You're cute when you lie," made her weak in the knees.
"I still have a lot of unpacking to do," she told him as she tried to remain focused.
Beckett kissed her neck, "You have all day to do that."
Kaida sighed and leaned her head to give him more access. Beckett took advantage of her gesture and kissed her neck all the way down to her shoulder. Kaida moaned as he manipulated his magic to make his lips cold. The feel of it against her warm skin sent a ripple of goosebumps down her back. She felt his teeth scrape against her shoulder, and another moan escaped her lips. When he snaked his arm to the front of her body and squeezed her breast while he kissed his way back up her neck, she was nearly panting.
Then Beckett let her go and stepped back. The absence of his warmth made her shiver. She turned to face him, and he was wearing a smirk.
"A little taste of what is to come later. You're right. You should finish unpacking so we have all the room needed tonight."
"That was mean."
"I can't be nice all the time. There's no fun in that." Beckett chuckled and left the room.
Kaida let out a growl when she heard his footsteps on the stairs. Beckett continued to chuckle as he made his way back down to the lower level. Kaida continued to growl out her frustration until she shook it off.
We could always tie him up and leave him there after we tortured him,her dragon mentioned as Kaida returned to unpacking.
That does sound like a good idea. Just torture him like he did me and then leave him there.
I think we should. Sounds like fun. We could do it now!
I need to finish unpacking first.
Well, hurry up. We have a mate to torture.
Kaida rolled her eyes and continued to put things away. Without help, it would take all day to finish this. She did not realize how much stuff she had accumulated in such a short amount of time on the island. Mostly clothes, but that made some sense to her. With Azulia knowing how to make clothes, things would show up in her closet daily. Kaida was just thankful it was only sometimes dresses. Now that she wasn't the Queen to be, it was nice to dress down in something easy like a t-shirt and pants.
"I don't understand you! Why would you bring her here?!"
Blaze's screaming tantrum from downstairs practically rattled the walls, making Kaida drop the dress she had been holding. Kaida froze as she waited for an answer from Beckett. Even though she bore his mark, Kaida feared that one of these times, Blaze causing a fight would make him realize she wasn't worth fighting for.
"She is my mate, Blaze! When are you going to get that through your thick-ass skull? What would you do if you had a mate?"
"I wouldn't accept her as my mate if my brothers hated her! I would reject her! This is more important than a damn mate! We grew up together! We RULE this island TOGETHER!"
Kaida made her way to stand at the top of the stairs. Blaze's anger formed a cloud inside the house. She could feel it all the way upstairs. He was going to fight until he got his way.
Does he have that much influence over Beckett? Would my mate reject me just because Blaze hates me this much?
"You're insane. Do you understand that people who are rejected are sent here? The people we 'rule' are broken-hearted when they arrive here, and it is our job to make them feel like they have a home here. So, with that in mind, you would still reject your mate?"
"Yes! Why would any of that matter? Our brotherhood matters to me! Apparently, it doesn't to you!"