Page 10 of Dragon Rejected

When Rual brought their waters to the table, it was time to order. It was only lunchtime, so the options were limited. Once again, Enzo stated, “Ladies first,” and Kaida had to choose what she wanted. It took her a few seconds because she had a hard time deciding on one thing because everything sounded so good. She decided on a spiced goat with potato soup and a small salad, trying to not eat a large meal since she did not know what Enzo had planned for the rest of the day. If it was anything while flying, she would rather not have a full stomach. Enzo ordered a thick steak sandwich with all the fixings.

Enzo kept his eyes on Rual the entire time he took their order and even until he was out of sight. Kaida stifled a laugh when she realized what was happening. Enzo’s dragon was making sure that Rual did not touch her, or even look at her, in any way. When it came to Fated Mates, a dragon was one of the most unpredictable counterparts in regards to how possessive it could become.

I’ll have to make sure that I don’t do or say anything to trigger that kind of response from him. It is the first date, after all.

“Well, while we wait… should we get to know one another?” Enzo suggested.

Something else Kaida wouldn’t have expected. Enzo seemed nervous. His hands were sitting on the edge of the table, and his thumbs were rubbing against each other like he couldn’t sit still. Even though Enzo had more dominance than everyone else in this room combined, he would look into her eyes for a brief moment and then look away from them.

Interesting,Kaida thought to herself before she answered him.

“I’d love to! I have to admit, I never thought I would get the chance to sit down and truly get to know Enzo Styrmir. All my life, I dreamed of having this chance. Now I am sitting across from you, and not only are you giving me that chance, but you want to get to know me too. Feels pretty surreal.”

Enzo’s smile nearly reached his ears. “Really? Why is that?”

Kaida scrunched her face, “Don’t you dare play modest with me! You know exactly why that is. You are the Prince of Dragaal! Your title alone causes intrigue. But to a girl like me? Even though I come from one of the five prestigious families in the realm, it’s not like we all played together growing up. I’ve always seen you from afar, but not once was I able to get to actually know you. I could only hear from others about who you are. So, tell me… who is Enzo Styrmir?”

“Quite bold of you, Kaida Hilmir. Instead of being shy and maybe apprehensive like most, you choose to do this head-on and get to the point.”

Kaida tilted her head slightly to the left, wearing a cocky grin, “When I want something, I don’t play games to get it.”

Enzo shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Whether it was because he was feeling nervous or something else, Kaida was not sure. Kaida wanted to kick herself for not having her dragon for the second time that day. If she did, she would be able to smell what he could have been feeling and wouldn’t have to guess. Or she might even hear his heart beating inside of his chest and know if it was out of nervousness or maybe even from being aroused.

“Well, how about we tell each other one thing that no one else knows and a fear that we have? Those are two things that people tend to avoid when getting to know one another. How about we break those norms and try something new?”

Kaida didn’t hesitate, “Okay, you first.”

“Okay. I’ll be a gentleman and walk through this dangerous territory first.” Enzo took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering. “Something that no one else knows… I like to paint. I’m pretty good at it, too.”

Kaida’s eyes went wide with the omission. “Why is that not something that is shown to the people?! That is an amazing gift to have!”

“You are a prince! You need to be focused on running this damn kingdom! Not making pretty pictures,” Enzo said in a gruff voice as he mimicked his father. “I’m not “allowed” to tell people about this much. It is a ‘royal secret’ if you will.”

Kaida stretched her arm out and placed her hand over his hands, “I am so sorry that you have to hide that. That is a major part of who you are… and you aren’t even allowed to express it properly, are you? He at least lets you paint, right?”

Enzo made a scrunched face, “Not really. I have to make sure he is not within the castle when I paint so he doesn’t see me doing it. That is at least the agreement we have come to so I can continue with my love of art.”

“Well… that will change soon,” Kaida said matter-of-factly.

Enzo smiled in response and then continued, “Now I guess I have to tell you my fear, too.” He took another moment to think of his response. “Funny thing is, I used to have a fear ofhavingto find a wife as a duty to Dragaal, and it would end up with someone I did not connect with. I guess that is no longer a thing to fear.” He took Kaida’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “So, I guess… my actual fear, now, is losing you.”

Kaida’s heart dropped when she heard those words. Nothing in the world would ever make her feel happier than those words…

Then the horrid thought crept up into her head.What if he won’t care about losing me if my dragon never emerges…

“Now it’s your turn.”

Kaida thought about it for a moment, too. Knowing that Enzo truly opened up to her about things that no one else would know about him was incredible. He had to feel exposed with what he admitted. Though she would have to come up with something other than the truth when it came to her fear.

“One thing that no one else knows… Sometimes…” it was difficult for her to share this information. No one truly knew this about her, not even her parents. “Sometimes I feel like, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am from the family I was born into, I wouldn’t be memorable–that the only reason people even want to know me is because of my Hilmir name. I can honestly say when I have a few bad days in a row and don’t want to be around people, no one even seems to check on me.” Kaida found herself looking out the window as tears pooled to the brim of her eyelids. She desperately kept her eyes from closing so they wouldn’t fall down her face as she gathered her courage to say the next piece. “And my fear? I fear when I am no longer here, no one will truly care.”

When the words left her mouth, she realized that was her true fear. That no one would care if, one day, she wasn’t a part of this society anymore. Kaida knew that if her dragon didn’t emerge soon, that chance would skyrocket to the highest possibility for her fate. The worst part of all? That no one would care that it happened… and just move on.

Enzo stood up on the side of the chair that was closest to her and kneeled in front of her. Before he opened his mouth, he grabbed both of her hands in his and gave them a soft kiss before looking into her eyes once more. “I would care. You are my mate, Kaida. Nothing would ever make me not care about you.”

I guess time will only tell with that.
