Page 32 of Dragon Rejected

The way that Blaze said dragonless had the venom that Beckett expected. Blaze was someone who wanted power. He craved to be on the throne in Dragaal. More than any of them did, Blaze wanted to be the King of Dragaal. A few times, Beck pointed out to Blaze that his need for power made him no better than the Storm Dragons that currently had the throne. Blaze didn’t see it that way.

Blaze was also someone that wanted someone powerful to be his mate. If someone was dragonless, more often than not, that meant they were not powerful. At least, that was the way with the Elemental Dragons. Beck heard that Storms could end up emerging more powerful than most if they were late bloomers.

Not Elementals, though.

“That doesn’t mean shit, and you know it. You are just trying to create a reason to hate her. You feel the pull to her, too… don’t you?”

Blaze scoffed at him and then grabbed a stick from the cabinet on the wall. The silence said more than anything Blaze could have said.

If Blaze felt it… who else did?

“Did you two feel it, too?”

More silence. They all looked at one another. All four of them were sizing one another up. It wasn’tuncommonfor a female to have more than one mate. That had happened a few times throughout Dragon history. Usually, though, it was the same dragon type that was mated together, not different species.

“It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t have a dragon. Therefore she cannot produce children. There is no reason to go after her.” Blaze mocked the idea entirely.

“She could be a late bloomer. One that is more powerful than us all,” Beckett pitched to them.

“Highly doubtful, Beck. Any late bloomer here has been quite weak,” Arlo added to the conversation.

“So you all feel a pull to her, but you aren’t going to do anything about it? The Great Dragon has given you all a chance to be with the other half of your soul… and you are going to ignore it?”

None of them said a word. Arlo and Blaze started to play their game. Esen continued to rock in his chair and watched. Beckett shook his head at all of them and walked to his floor. With each step, Beck rationalized the thoughts he had inside of his head.

I am going to pursue this. I am not going to ignore what the Great Dragon has given me. I can help her Dragon emerge. When that happens, and these asshats want to pursue this, she can have the choice to accept them. Until then… she is mine.


When Kaida stepped outside, the sun’s powerful rays immediately warmed her skin. Beckett had his back on the wall with his thumbs in his pockets and one foot up on the wall. Kaida noticed his eyes scanning the area as people walked the streets and entered the different stores.

While Kaida looked at Beckett, his power rolled off him like waves crashing onto the sand. The energy caressed her skin, and she felt her soul reach him. Kaida whimpered, the feeling of wanting Beckett mixed with the pain from the broken bond with Enzo. She tried to banish the thoughts of him to make the pain go away. The sounds must have caught Beckett’s full attention because he looked at her.

Something in that look had Kaida weak in the knees. A look of longing, like Kaida, was the answer to all of his prayers. The tugging inside her chest grew stronger the longer they stared at each other. Kaida swallowed hard as she fought the urge to step closer to him and hoped he would wrap her up in his arms. Kaida’s heart raced at the thought of being in his arms, and her thoughts quickly went down a much steamier path.

I can’t do this again. I won’t survive it a second time.

Beckett gave her a soft smile, “Hey.”


“Would you like to… uh… I guess, spend the day with me?”

Kaida hesitated. A part of her still felt conflicted about getting close to someone new. She opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t sure when a deep feminine voice filled her head.

Yes. We want this.

Kaida had never heard that voice before. The feeling that followed was a warmth in her chest that spread throughout her body. For the first time in months, Kaida felt… strong.

Is this my bond with Beckett? Can a bond do this?

“Yeah, that sounds like fun.”

It was like a light turned on when Beckett smiled as she said yes. It instantly caused her to smile back at him.

Beckett did not waste any time. He held out his arm for her to loop her own into it and then started to walk down the road. Kaida was able to see Aiden’s shop before Beckett led her to the strip of stores behind the ones they were currently on. She caught a glimpse of Aiden’s face as they passed by the window. The Witch clearly didn’t expect to see Kaida with one of the Fearsome Four since Kaida saw her eyebrows go nearly into her hairline. Kaida shrugged her shoulders to tell her she wasn’t sure what was happening either before they disappeared around the corner.

As they walked, there was a silence between them, but it didn’t feel awkward or make Kaida want to fill it in any way. There was no feeling of expectation either. The sun was shining, and the temperature was quite warm. It was a beautiful day for a walk, so Kaida tried to enjoy it for what it was.