Page 30 of Dragon Rejected

The ice in her tone made Kaida smirk. It was nice seeing Azulia hold her own and not back down.

“I came here for her.”

Kaida’s eyes went wide at his words, “Me? Why?”

Beckett ignored her surprised tone, “I would like to get to know you. You are new to our kingdom, and I wish to welcome you properly.”

Kaida wasn’t sure what to say. She knew only two things about him: he was considered royalty, and he was a dragon. None of the girls went into detail about the princes to give her any kind of edge while being around them. There was no way to know how this would go.

Azulia raised her eyebrows but chose to make a request instead of asking the question clearly plastered on her face. “Can you give her a few minutes? I wasn’t done designing her wardrobe.”

Beckett gave Azulia a nod and walked out of the store. Kaida heard the bell ring when he left, and Azulia went back to working her magic by making clothes. Kaida rubbed her chest as she felt it constrict from Beckett’s absence. She already didn’t like this feeling.

“Do the princes do this with everyone that ends up on the island?”

“Not usually,” Azulia confirmed. Then she thought about that response before correcting herself. “Actually, never. You’re the first I’ve ever seen them make an effort to retrieve and ‘get to know.’”

“Why me? It can’t be just because I’m new if they’ve never done it before. And why do they have to be weird about it? I didn’t even agree to going out with him, but do I really have a choice?”

Azulia looked up through her eyelashes as she hovered around her body to make the clothes. “Do you want to go with him? Between your reaction and the way he looked when he came for you, I am assuming there’s some kind of feeling between you two, but if you don’t want to go, no one said you had to.”

“I don’t know. I just had my heart shattered. I don’t need to go around with new guys just to have it shattered again. I don’t think I can survive it a second time.”

“Who says it will happen again?”

Kaida blinked several times at Azulia. The words that were spoken hung in the air. Kaida didn’t consider that it may not happen again. She had heard of having a second chance mate before, but it was extremely rare. Kaida wasn’t even sure if she had met anyone that was their second chance mate in her life or even heard of one from her parents.

“How do I know this isn’t just the bond with Enzo going rampant? I’m feeling the same things that I felt with him. I’m still feeling the searing pain of the bond being rejected, too. How do I know that this isn’t that?”

“You don’t. That is why it’s worth it.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense.”

“It won’t right now, but in time it will.”

After making five more outfits, Azulia told Kaida she was done for the day. There were more ideas she had, but she didn’t want to keep Beckett waiting. Azulia explained that Beckett was the jokester of the princes. He prided himself on being the most lighthearted and the one who liked to laugh. Azulia mentioned that Beckett was ruled by the Tidal element. This meant he could be easier going and go with the flow more than the others. When Kaida asked her why Azulia was telling her this, her answer was not what Kaida expected.

“If any of the princes had asked for me to spend time with them, I’d want it to be Beckett. He is just the better of the four of them and the perfect one to dip your toe in with because of it. If Beckett thinks you are okay, then the others will, too, which will make your life easier while you are here overall.”

“Are you trying to convince me to go?”

“I think you’ll enjoy yourself.”

“Do you think this is a date?”

Azulia scrunched her face, “I’m not sure. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of them on a date with someone, so I really don’t know the answer to that question.”

“Is that the easy way of telling me that they just sleep with women instead of dating?”

“Yeah, I didn’t disguise that very well, did I?”

“No, not at all.”

“They’re princes, Kaida. The princes I grew up around did the same thing. They sleep around and don’t commit to anyone because they will only commit to their Fated Mate. I think it’s an unwritten rule or something. Just go spend time with him. Who cares if this is only your severed bond with Enzo going crazy. At least you can say that you lived regardless of your dating status. You won’t know what life has in store for you if you just wait around until something happens to you.”

Kaida wanted to argue, but no words came to mind. Azulia was right. Now was the time to live.

And the first step is walking around with a Dragon Prince. Hopefully, this time around, he doesn’t break my heart.