Page 40 of Dragon Rejected

“That was not me. I got her under the water. She hit a riptide. Thankfully I recognized it was happening and got her out of there.”

Blaze rolled his eyes, picked up his stick, and finished his move in the game. He was already done with this conversation. Kaida was not the only option to getting into the kingdom. All of their magic and dragons were strong enough to take on the army alone anyway. He was just biding his time. After he sunk the ball, Beckett added his final words.

“Don’t try that shit again. It’s one thing to put her in a stressful fight to make her dragon emerge. It’s a whole other game if you are trying to kill her. I’m sure you will want the other Tidal’s fighting for you when you storm that damn castle.”

“Is that a threat?” Blaze asked coolly.

“No. It’s a damn promise. Put her in that position again, and I will make sure the Tidal’s stay here instead of fighting alongside you to claim the throne.”

On that note, Beckett turned on his heel and walked out of the house again. Blaze assumed it was to return to Kaida. He looked over at the other two, and they shrugged at him.

There wasn’t a chance in hell they would win unless they had all the Elemental Dragons fighting together. Beckett knew it, and that was why his threat would work. Blaze drew in a deep breath and let it out quickly. He knew when his game was at a stalemate. Without Beckett, they wouldn’t win the battle.

“I hate when that asshole is right. Next time we attempt this, don’t try to kill her.”

“You think he is going to seal the bond?” Esen questioned.

“Unfortunately, yeah. Otherwise, he would have stayed here and wouldn’t have tried breaking my jaw and ribs.”

“You know what that means, right?” Arlo queried.


“She is going to be around a lot more. I wouldn’t put it past him to not let her out of his sight right now.”

Blaze rolled his eyes again and sunk the 8 ball.Fucking great. That’s the last thing I need.


It felt like Kaida was on a fluffy cloud, basking in the warm sun’s direct light, yet it was dark all around her as if she was inside of a windowless room. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt as though they weighed a thousand pounds. Kaida tried to tell herself to just roll over and get on her feet, to will her eyes to open, but no movement came. Just like her eyes, her body felt like it was made of stone; too heavy to move in any way on her own.

Her heart rate quickened at the thought of being paralyzed. Kaida wasn’t too sure of how this could have happened. She tried to think of what she was doing before she fell asleep, but it went blank inside of her mind when she tried. Next, she attempted to open her mouth to call out to anyone to help her, but that wasn’t even something she seemed to be able to do. Breathing became difficult as her mind raced with possibilities. Not knowing where she was, how she got there, or even how she was turned into a motionless pile of flesh had her mind spiraling out of control.

Did Enzo come back and curse me for being dragonless? Or worse… am I dead? Am I just waiting for the Great Dragon to determine my fate in the afterlife?

A pair of bright purple eyes came into view. Kaida remembered these eyes. They were the same ones from the dream she experienced the other night. Was this the Great Dragon? It’s not like any person alive would know and would have been able to prepare her for this. There were tales of what the Great Dragon looked like, but no one had come back from the dead to be able to tell her this was what to expect if she would ever die and meet their powerful entity.

The eyes grew larger and clearer like they were coming closer into view. There were purple scales around it, a deeper shade that reminded her of the crystal amethyst. The power that caressed Kaida felt welcoming, like an embrace from her mother. Kaida sighed in contentment as the heaviness upon her lessened once she felt the power wrap around her completely. She sighed a breath of relief that she was able to wiggle her fingers and her toes again.

Our time is coming.

Who are you?Kaida asked the voice.

We will break this hold on our power and rise to who we are meant to be.

“Kaida? Sweetie? Wake up.”

Kaida heard the voice and slowly pried her eyes open. After several attempts, she managed to keep them open long enough to comprehend what was going on. With quite a few blinks, Kaida’s vision shifted from blurry to normal. It didn’t take her long to recognize that she was in her room. Standing above her was Adrien, wearing a smile with hidden relief. Kaida turned her head a little more to see Azulia sitting on a small stool a few feet behind Adrien, Remy leaning on the wall by the door, and Sundrei in the corner. Azulia gave Kaida a bright smile when she realized that Kaida was looking at her.

“You gave us a fright there for a second. We thought we were going to lose you.”

“What happened? Why does everywhere hurt right now?” Kaida groaned, pain searing through her as she tried to roll onto her side.

Adrien rushed to put her arms out to keep Kaida in place, “easy now. You took a lot of damage while fighting the boys.”

“I fought the boys? Am I stupid?”

The words truly made no sense to Kaida. Not once in her life did she ever agree to something as dangerous as fighting four powerful dragons at once. That was suicide, especially for someone in her predicament.