Page 38 of Dragon Rejected

Beckett flew her over to the island where she was dropped off. An ache in her chest reminded her of what had transpired only thirty-six hours ago, making her want to crawl into a hole. It didn’t get better when she noticed that the other three were flying into view, all only using their wings instead of their entire dragon form. Kaida frowned at the sight of them. She should have known it would be wishful thinking to hope that it would just be Beckett today. All four of them talked to her about this plan. They told her their elements would be able to drag her dragon out of her. What better way to do that than to use all four of them at once rather than just one-on-one?

Blaze only wore a pair of jean shorts when Kaida got a better look at him. His chiseled body was going to be distracting as hell. She had already started to think of how it would feel to run her hands over the muscles on display instead of what was going to come with this “training.”

Arlo wore a forest green T-shirt that clung to him, leaving little to the imagination of what was underneath, with a pair of shorts. It brought out his piercing blue eyes as he stared menacingly at her. No matter how much she knew that Arlo couldn’t stand her, it didn’t stop Kaida from thinking about ripping that shirt off him to get a better look at what he poorly tried to hide.

Esen wore a white tank top with a white button-up that wasn’t buttoned with a pair of khaki-colored shorts. His blonde, feathered hair blew in the wind, capturing his devilishly good looks all too well. The smile he wore caused Kaida to take a step back, especially after watching Beckett walk right over to them and give her a look like she was a meal.

The energy around them shifted. Instead of feeling like this was going to be a playful day of training to make her dragon want to come out, it now felt like this was going to be a fight for her life as the air grew thick from the power emitting from them.

Fuck… I don’t like this anymore.

It was immediate. Blaze threw his hand forward, and a stream of fire blasted out from his palm. The heat from the flames almost singed her purple and gold blouse as she barely jumped out of the way in time. Kaida quickly got to her feet just as the sand shifted underneath her feet. She could feel herself losing balance while her feet disappeared under the sand. Another stream of fire was aimed directly at her chest. Kaida threw herself backward to avoid it. As her ass hit the ground, Kaida heard the roar of water behind her. She looked back and saw a giant wave building in height.

Fuck…I regret this!

Kaida managed to put her hand over her mouth and pinch her nostrils with her fingers as the wave crashed around her. She allowed her body to move with the flow of the water as she felt herself spinning uncontrollably through the tide. Kaida kept her hand over her nose and her mouth, willing herself to not let the water get into them so she wouldn’t drown. The burning inside of her lungs from the lack of oxygen almost made her let go. The water spit her back out on the sand a few seconds later. Kaida inhaled and gasped for breath as she was on her hands and knees. A few coughs and deep breaths got her to breathe normally after about a minute.

She looked up to see Blaze smiling ominously at her. It was clear this wasn’t over. This time, balls of fire were conjured in his hands, and he started to throw them at her one after another. Kaida kept her body moving, trying desperately to evade the attack. Then, one hit her in the chest. The power behind it, as it exploded on her chest, had her on her back. Flames danced along her clothes, and she could feel the heat against her skin. She used her hands the best she could to make the flames die out, but it didn’t work. Blaze threw another one at her, this time landing on her leg. Kaida rolled her body against the sand, which made the flames go out.

Nothing else was thrown at her for a minute as she lay on her back on the sand and looked up into the sky. She hoped this meant the first session was finished. Kaida was wrong.

Esen’s Breeze magic hit her next. He manipulated the winds to get up under her and make her airborne. While she flailed her arms and legs in a desperate attempt to balance herself in mid-air, Arlo used his Terrain magic to create vines within his hands. He used them like whips, making the vines split open her skin when they connected to her body. First, it was an arm, then a leg, then her stomach, and then her chest. Kaida screamed as she felt her skin tear open and the sting of the vine. Then the air holding her up cut out. Esen allowed her to freefall down onto the sand. Kaida heard the thud as she landed on the ground. The air pushed out of her lungs, causing her to gasp for breath.

Without a single break, a combination of sand inside a wall of air caught her attention when she managed to get herself in a seated position and breathe regularly. The air flung the sand at her. It felt as though a million needles were being pelted against her skin. She sucked in a breath just as she looked down at her body. Besides the areas where the vines cut her skin, Kaida now had blood beading all across her skin from the sand.

Kaida’s body wavered as pain coursed through her. She looked over at Beckett whose widened eyes were locked onto hers. He swallowed hard before he started running toward her. Kaida’s eyes rolled back into her head, and she felt her body fall backward. There was screaming all around her, but she couldn’t make out the words. Blackness slowly enclosed her as the pain from her wounds became too much. She felt something go underneath her body, but it only brought her more pain. Kaida screamed from it, and that was the last thing she heard before darkness claimed her.

Am I dying?



Blaze couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Kaida losing consciousness from their training. It was hilarious to him that she couldn’t handle their magic even at low-level attacks. He wondered if she would be able to survive this training at all.

Pathetic excuse of a dragon. She should be able to handle so much more.

It didn’t matter to him that he could feel her power rolling off her. Right now, she was powerless, and he could do what he wanted with her. She wasn’t going to be someone to mess with when her dragon finally emerged; just like him and his brothers. When that happened, Blaze wasn’t sure who would hold the most power. For all he knew, it could be her, but until then, he was happy to do what damage he could.

His chuckles echoed as Arlo and Esen joined in. Blaze shook his head before expanding his wings and taking flight. There was no reason for him to stick around. If anything, the girl would need to heal for a few days before she could do another training session. Without a dragon’s healing capability, it could take up to a week with the injuries she endured.

And she didn’t even get the worst of what we can do.

Arlo and Esen joined him in flight. All three of them headed toward their house to kick back and relax for the rest of the day. There were no pertinent duties they needed to worry about, and it was a good thing to recharge after any usage of magic.

Once their home was in view, Blaze tucked in his wings and coasted down to the ground. Esen made sure to slow them all down with his magic before they hit land. When they walked into the house, they walked to their hangout room and plopped into their normal chairs before they started talking.

“I didn’t expect her to last five seconds. Surprised as hell that she lasted five minutes,” Esen began the conversation.

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe she stood up after Beckett nearly drowned her,” Arlo added.

Blaze scoffed, “I’m surprised he even joined in on the fun with the way he’s been pining after her.”

“Can’t expect him to ignore the call of a mate. Beck is the first one to get a mate in a long time,” Arlo pointed out.

“So? Why the hell should that matter? She is a damn Stormy. There is no way in hell that the prince won’t come back to claim her. We need to unlock her damn dragon before he comes to his senses.”

Blaze noticed that Arlo’s brow was cocked at him before he said his piece. “Like that would stop Beck from claiming her. Wouldn’t be the first time someone had multiple mates.”