Page 91 of One More Time

“You’re a good friend, Ollie. Thanks for offering to fuck me.”

“I know I am. I’m the best friend. If I had to, I’d have done it.”

He leans forward and nuzzles my cheek, almost purring. So fucking ridiculous.

I squeeze him, just this once, and as I do, the back door opens. Alec is suddenly standing there, his eyes narrowed on Ollie and me.

“Oh,” is all I can manage to say. I didn’t expect him to show up unannounced, not when he’s been distant the past few days.

“I tried to message and call, but I didn’t get a response,” he explains as he shoves his hands in his pockets, looking a little annoyed. But Ollie seems undeterred, he just continues to nuzzle me. He’s probably trying to make a point to Alec, and I don’t hate that he’s doing it, but I also feel a little bad at the same time.

“My phone’s inside.”

He nods and then Lucas appears at his side, slapping him on the shoulder.

“Landlord-man says he needs to check out the caulking in the shower.”

I bite my lip, trying to fight back a laugh because that’s not the reason he’s here. The caulking is just fine.

“You can check out my caulk anytime,” Ollie says to me and then peers over at Alec. Alec’s jaw ticks and he glances away.

“Alright, enough,” I say with a small laugh. I don’t want to dick around with Alec’s feelings. I know what that feels like. It doesn’t feel good.

Gently pushing Ollie off my lap, I stand up and move toward Alec, grabbing onto his arm and leading him toward my bedroom. We don’t make it inside, just stop short of the door before I turn to face him.

“Hey,” I say and then rub at the back of my neck nervously.

“You and Ollie got close,” he replies, and I shake my head.

“Ollie is always like that, with everyone. He’s just a cuddly butt.”

He doesn’t seem to believe me so I step a bit closer and run my hand across his chest, feeling the warmth of him penetrate my skin.

“I don’t want anyone but you,” I admit, and Alec seems placated, his face softening, his hand sliding into mine and squeezing.

“Good. Because we’re exclusive, and that has to mean something.”

Our gazes clash and he lets out a shaky exhale. “Of course it does. It means everything,” I say, and when he doesn’t respond, I ask, “Why are you here, Alec?”

He swallows roughly. “I’ve missed you the past few days. I’m sorry…I know I’ve been distant. I’ve been dealing with some…stuff.” He pauses and then glances away. “Can you forgive me?”

I nod and reach out, grabbing on to his other hand. “Of course. I’ve been dealing with stuff too, but we can work on this together.”

He nods, looking almost nervous, and then wets his lips. “Um, my grandma wants me to invite you to dinner tonight. You want to come?”

“Oh, if you want me to.”

“I want you to.”

I nod and then my hand slips from him and tucks against my chest. My heart is slamming against my sternum, and I feel a bit lightheaded. It’s because I’m near him once again. I can’t fucking breathe in his presence. And yet, the rejection he dealt me so swiftly the other day still rings loudly in my ears. It gives me vertigo.

“Alright, what time?” I ask, and he rolls his lips between his teeth.

“Figured I’d pick you up around five. They’re old. They like to eat early. It’s a blessing I was able to get them to push it back that late.”

My lips turn up in a smile, and I nod.

“Alright, I’ll be ready.”