Page 34 of One More Time

A low rumble exits Alec’s mouth. “No.”

“Please,” I whine, and he shakes his head, reaching his hands up to pull my shirt off.

“No, you put this on to control yourself, to make yourself not want certain things, right?”

I don’t answer. I can’t.

“But Jude. I can make you come with this on. More than once. How about I show you how much control you really have?”



God. I hate him. I hate him so fucking much.

But in this moment, I don’t hate him at all. And that’s the problem. It seems my anger toward him is slowly starting to fade, it’s starting to turn into lust. Pure and simple. Perhaps he’s not as bad as I made him out to be. Perhaps he’s not the monster I remember.

Not when he’s cradling his nephew in his arms, or when he’s chatting sweetly with my grandma.

And definitely not when he’s naked up against the wall, trembling with need, his beautiful dick stuffed into a cock cage.

To keep him from being gay. From feeling things while being with a man.

I’ll show him how gay he can be.

How this can be more than a fucking hobby.

God, he’s so goddamn insulting. But part of me wonders if he doesn’t mean it. I think Jude may just be that oblivious.

The thought makes me smile internally as I run my finger up his chest to his puckered nipples. The fact that he thinks he’s straight is laughable, that sucking dick is a legitimate hobby.

A fucking lunatic, this guy. So fucking dumb, and yet here I am, tweaking his nipple between my fingers and watching as his lips part in a gasp. Enjoying every second of making him writhe against me.

Fuck. I hate him and yet, he’s so damn hot.

Why the hell is it him that I find so attractive after everything? Why?

“It hurts. My dick hurts,” he says as I move to the other nipple and tug at it.

“That’s the point. You’re gonna show some fucking restraint, Jude.”

His chin wobbles as he grabs on to my wrist, trying to stop me, but I pull my hand away and cup the front of his neck. I feel his pulse throbbing beneath my fingertips, and squeeze gently.

“Remember, tell me to stop and I will.”

He lets out a shaky breath but utters nothing.

“I’m gonna make you feel so good.”

“Oh god,” he moans, and I feel my chest tighten as well as my dick. It’s hard and pulsing in my pants. It has been ever since I found him in the bathroom—ever since I saw him standing in my grandma’s kitchen, if I’m being honest.

Fuck, he’s so hot with that wild red hair and that smattering of freckles all across his skin. A person could waste hours tracing each one with the tip of their tongue. And his body, lean and muscular, those long legs.

Ever since laying eyes on Jude, after all these years, other men just haven’t done it for me. Not Laurent, not Killian. No one. My sights have focused solely on him.

I hate him even more for this, for making me want him like this.

But all of those reasons, all of them seem to be forgotten in this moment.