Page 2 of One More Time

“The gay bar?”

“Yeah.” I feel my cheeks flush and add, “You know, because it’s been a while since you’ve gotten some. And I want to be your wingman.”

Ollie glances up at me and smiles. “It has been. I think it’s time I get my ass railed by a nice big dick. Like the one that was in the window.”

I chuckle and then hear Lucas huff from the kitchen. “The shoe was in the fridge. Which one of you fuckers did that?”

Ollie bites back a laugh just as a knock on the door resonates around the room. We look at each other, and then I almost sprint from my seat on the couch to answer it.

Not that I’m interested in that big-dicked man or anything. I’m just being a good roommate and tenant.

Wrenching the door open, I see him, our new landlord with the monster cock. My eyes slide up from his crotch to his face, and for some reason, something vaguely familiar flickers in the back of my mind. Like I may have run into him somewhere sometime in my life. He looks to be around my age—early twenties—so it’s definitely possible that I have.

It’s a subtle itch in my memory but disappears before I can think about it too long.

My hand lifts in a slight wave because I’ve lost the ability to speak. I am utterly speechless.

“Hey,” he says, his voice deep and seductive. It makes my dick twitch in my pants. I chalk it up to the fact that I haven’t gotten any in a long-ass time. It’s just desperation at this point. Which I will rectify tonight. It’s psychological now. “I’m cleaning your gutters.”

Ollie snorts behind me, and I roll my eyes but smirk a little too. Gutters. Cum gutters. From the way the dude’s shirt lifted as he stretched up to reach the leaves, I could see nice ones imprinted between his muscles. Not that I care about that. It’s just more of an observation, really. I don’t want to see my cum spilling down those abs.

Not a chance.

I clear my throat. “Heard you’re our new landlord.”

He nods, his eyes squinting a little, taking me in. “I am.”

I feel something hot move through me as his eyes peruse my face. For a moment, I wonder what he thinks when he looks at me. What is going through his mind? Maybe he hates redheads. Or maybe he loves them. Not that I care what he thinks.

“You’re a bit young to be a landlord. What happened to George?” I manage to ask.

“George is my grandfather. He gifted me a few properties, so I’m taking over. His age makes things like this hard—the property upkeep.”

I shift on my feet, the heat of his gaze making me feel suddenly hot and bothered. Geez, I can’t forgo cock-sucking for too long again. My chi is totally off. This new landlord and his donkey dick are making my head spin.

I’m feeling a bit gay at the moment, and that’s not something I like. Because I’m not. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, but I’m not. Not at all.

“Anyways,” he holds out his hand, a nice large hand, “I’m Alec.”

Ollie leans across me and clasps Alec’s hand, shaking it almost too aggressively. “I’m Ollie, that big half-dressed oaf behind us is Lucas, and this is Jude. We had another roommate, but he moved out to be with his boyfriend.”

Too much oversharing, but that’s just what Ollie does. He’ll start blabbing and not stop until he stuffs his mouth full of food or cock. I’ve seen it. He’s been mid-sentence, not even attempting to cut off his chatting until a dick is stuffed right up in there. Then and only then does he stop.

He literally needs to be forced.

Alec’s eyes shift back to me, and I manage a smile.

“Anyways. Sorry to bother you, but can I come in? I need to use the bathroom.”

“Sure! It’s right this way,” Ollie says, pulling me out of the way and leading him to the bathroom down the hallway. I watch him go, my eyes sliding to his ass that’s pretty well-defined even through the shorts. I can see the globes flex and move as he walks.

Apparently my lack of chi is affecting everything. All I can see now is ass and dick.

“What are you staring at?” Lucas asks, both his shoes on now. He folds his arms over his massive bare chest and cocks his head at me.

“Nothing. And what is in your hair?” I ask when I see a screwdriver poking out from his bun.

“Shit, that’s where it went,” he grumbles, reaching up and pulling the tool free. “Was looking all over for this.” I roll my eyes at him and he huffs. “Gonna go back to the garage. You can gaze at your dicks and asses in peace.”