Page 29 of One More Time

Charlie starts to fuss, his little legs kicking out at the sides, so I hand him a spoon. He whacks me on the arm with it, and I growl at him, which only makes him do it again with a giggle. I’m in the process of gobbling up his hand when Alec shows up.

He goes unnoticed at first because I’m too focused on a giggling Charlie, but when my eyes catch on some movement in my periphery and my gaze slams into his, I feel my entire body flame.

Look at you, straight boy. Sucking dick so good.

My back straightens, Charlie starting to squirm against my chest now that I’m ignoring him. But I can’t help it. I can’t focus on anything else right now. Alec is leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his muscular chest, his brows furrowed as he watches me intently.

I lift a hand in an awkward wave and then lift Charlie’s hand as well, waggling it in the air.

Alec’s lips twitch and he pushes off the frame of the door to walk toward me.

“Oh. Hi, stranger,” I say breathlessly when he’s in front of me. Suddenly everything we did together flares in my mind, and I feel both ashamed and exhilarated at the same time. It’s a confusing feeling. “I, um, didn’t know you’d be here.”

He cocks his head at me, looking confused for a second before clearing his throat and explaining, “Helen’s my grandma. She asked for some help tonight. Seems there’s gonna be a crowd.”

I swallow and shift Charlie against my chest. Alec’s eyes move down to the baby and then back to me, and he runs a hand over his forehead. He looks sort of conflicted, and I don’t know why.

Suddenly this feels wrong. I can’t have Charlie attached to me when I’m feeling like this. Quickly, I undo the straps to the carrier and pull him out, watching as Helen catches my gaze and rushes to grab a baby seat.

“I bought it just for today,” she says, and I feel my cheeks bunch up as I smile.

“Thanks. That’s so nice,” I say as I situate Charlie into the seat, buckle him in and then hand him two spoons, which he bangs on the tray loudly.

I glance around, feeling bad, but then realize that no one cares that Charlie is making such a racket. And Helen looks utterly pleased by the entire thing.

“You babysit a lot?” Alec asks softly, catching my attention once more. The sound of his voice. Fuck. The cock cage I’m wearing positively aches, and I hate myself for putting it on for the first time while out. What the hell was I thinking? I obviously wasn’t. At least the key is in my pocket if I get desperate. Shit, I hope I can get it off if I need to.

I hope I don’t accidentally bake it into the cookies.

Jesus Christ. I need to use my brain sometimes.

“Yeah, whenever I can. Love spending time with them.”

He nods and then turns his gaze to Julia and Jordan, who are helping Helen scoop the dough onto trays.

“Seems like they’re having fun already.”

“Yeah—” I begin, but before I can continue, the man from the bar appears behind Alec—the twink. I don’t even recall his name, don’t know if anyone ever told me what it was, but as he approaches, I realize how cute he fucking looks in the daytime. He’s wearing a tight purple shirt and form-fitting blue jeans. His hair is styled artfully and I’m pretty sure he’s wearing eyeshadow.

The first thought that filters into my head is that apparently, Alec has a type, and it’s not me.

Suddenly, I feel ridiculous with my tousled hair and ragged clothes. I’m pretty sure I have baby drool on me somewhere and I wouldn’t be surprised if I had crackers in my hair from earlier.

Not that it matters. I don’t want to be his type. I don’t want any such thing.

“Oh. It’s you,” the twink says a little bratty, quirking a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me. For a second, I worry he’ll tell everyone where he last saw me, but he just purses his lips and holds out his hand.

“Nice to see you again. I’m Killian. And you must be Jude. Alec told meall about you.”

I swallow and nod, sliding my hand into his. It’s soft and I take in his painted nails. They positively sparkle, just like him.

“Um, all good things I hope, and yeah, nice to meet you,” I say gruffly and then lean down to press a kiss to Charlie’s head. Anything to not look at the two of them together. A vision of both of them kissing at the bar filters through my mind, and I wonder if they’re together now. I know Alec said he wasn’t with Laurent, but is he with Killian? Maybe he is.

It doesn’t matter,I tell myself as Helen gathers everyone around the island. Julia and Jordan move to my side, eagerly clambering onto some chairs and listening intently to what Helen is saying. She explains how to roll the dough and how to use the cookie cutters, which to be honest, I already know how to do. It’s the decorating that I seem to have trouble with. But Julia and Jordan are excited, and Ollie looks like he’s about to open his own bakery with the way he’s taking notes.

I glance at Lucas, who is picking up some dough and pushing it into his mouth.

Probably won’t have any cookies left to make after he eats all of it up.