Page 23 of One More Time

“We can take a class!” Ollie says with a wide smile. “I’ll do some research.”

Before I can tell him not to bother, his head is buried in his phone, and I turn my gaze to Lucas who just shrugs.

Accept your fate, it seems to say, so I do. I just sit in the chair for a while before dozing off to sleep.

I dream of a very specific dick and the way a set of hands felt on my ass.

And that mouth, and those dark gray eyes…

I don’t see Alec for several days, and for a moment, I think my obsession is finally under control. Out of sight, out of mind, or something like that. Although, that’s not totally accurate. I still think about him and his dick far too often, and I’m reluctant to go to the club again because I’m worried I may see him.

And then it will just set me off all over again. Will make me spiral.

So I stay away. I stay so fucking far away.

But for some reason, I forget that he’s our landlord, so when I find him mowing our lawn one morning, I nearly choke on the coffee I’m drinking. I plaster myself to the window overlooking the front yard as he lifts his shirt and wipes the sweat from his forehead. I’m not at all interested in his physique. It does nothing for me. And that backwards baseball cap with short locks of damp hair curling at the nape of his neck is revolting.

My dick pokes the cool window and recoils a bit.


Not the time, dude. Not the time.

I need to wear that cock cage to get myself under control. It’s currently sitting on my desk unused. It’s a little scary. I’m not sure how to use it, and to be honest, I worry I may like it a little too much.

I take a step back and with trembling hands, try and steady the coffee cup in my hand so I can take a dignified sip. But some dribbles down my chin and onto my shirt, making me look like even more of a slob than I already am. And it’s at that moment that Alec turns to look at me, his tongue peeking out and wetting his lips.

It’s like he can see me watching him even through the glare of the sun reflecting off the window.

Thank god he turns his head and continues about his work as I continue to hide behind the curtains, trying to not be creepy, but not entirely succeeding.

When he turns the lawn mower off and pushes it into his truck, he hesitates a moment. I watch as he pulls his phone out, his fingers flying across the screen. It’s minutes later that he finally shoves it into his back pocket, runs a hand over his face, and then makes his way up the path toward the front door.

I get tangled up in the curtains as he’s approaching, realizing he’s going to catch me lurking. And in my haste to behave normally, I tear them off the wall. They’re wrapped around my waist as Ollie bounds out of the kitchen and answers the knock at the door, looking far too happy to see Alec.

Fuck, I wish he’d just not answer the goddamn door every once in a while.

“Hi, Mr. Alec!” he says cheerfully while I fight off the curtains. It’s like they’ve grown tentacles and refuse to unlatch from me. “What’s up?”

Alec’s eyes slide over to me and his lips twitch at my state of distress. Luckily, I slurped all the coffee up earlier and managed tonotspill any more down the front of me. But even so, I know I look ridiculous draped in these floral fucking curtains Ollie sewed last year.

“Oh, Jude,” Ollie chastises when he sees me. He walks over and tries to tug the curtains off from around my waist, but only manages to pull my pants down in the process. So now I’m half-naked in front of Alec, my straining cock hard behind my boxers, and my dick isn’t ashamed at all. No, it’s liking this far too much.

“Oof, get that dick out of my face. My poor curtains. You’re defiling them!” Ollie says as he finally frees me from my constraints. He cradles them in his arms and then sighs. “Sorry,Alec. Jude needs to help you with whatever it is you need. I need to get these back up where they belong. Maybe give them a good washing first.”

I quickly pull my pants up and feel my entire body heat with embarrassment. Fuck, what does Ollie think I was doing with those curtains? Masturbating with them? I definitely wasn’t. The fabric is far too scratchy.

“Hi, um, Alec. What do you need?” I manage to ask, even though my voice cracks in the process. I sound like a twelve-year-old boy going through puberty.

Not sexy at all. Not that I want to be sexy. Nope.

Alec doesn’t move into the house, probably because his boots are dirty, so I move toward him. Just a little closer so we can talk like normal people.

But fuck, that was a mistake. He looks even better up close, with a fine sheen of sweat covering his skin, his short, dark stubble along his jawline, and the muscles in his arms bulging. I can see it all in harrowing detail.

“I just wanted to know if I could have some water.”

I nod even though I think it’s irresponsible of him not bringing his own, but I still walk into the kitchen and grab him one from the fridge. When I hand it to him, our fingers brush and my hard dick positively throbs. I watch intently as he takes a long swig before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.