Page 19 of One More Time

He nods and pulls some containers out of the bag.

“No problem,” he says as he hands me a pair of chopsticks. I break them apart and open the first container, the smell of orange chicken hitting my nose.

“Fuck yes,” I mutter as I pop a piece in my mouth.

Jai smiles softly at me and grabs another container, opening it and taking a small bite.

“Seems you needed this,” he says after a moment of silence.

“Yeah. I did. Fuck, I’m so glad you’re here.”

He blinks at me, his cheeks flushing. “Of course. Anything for you.”

I sigh and take another bite of chicken before reaching over and grabbing a piece of his Mongolian beef. I love my roommates, but it’s nice to have someone in my life who isn’t always up in my business.

That’s Jai, a tried and true friend.

“So, what’s up?” he asks, his foot hitting mine under the table.

I shift away and purse my lips. “I just need a distraction. A new hobby, I think.”

“Oh, yeah, okay.” He sits up straighter and pushes his hair back from his dark eyes. “What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know. Anything that doesn’t involve dicks.”

His cheeks flush a little darker, and he bobs his head. “Yeah, okay. That sounds good. Um, should I just start throwing ideas out there?”

“Yeah, man. Anything.”

He thinks about it for a minute and then says, “How about knitting?”

I snort and then swallow back the derision. I mean, that’s not a bad idea. I could totally learn to knit.

“Yeah, okay, that’s not a bad idea. What else?”

“Um, you could always come over and help me bake bread.”

My eyes flash to his. “You bake bread?”

His cheeks darken. “Yeah, it’s cathartic.”

“Yeah, okay. I can totally get into baking bread.”

His lips twitch and they break into a smile. “Cool, want to come over tonight when you’re done with work? I’m off, so I could totally show you.”

I nudge him with my foot and feel my entire body relax. “Yeah, man. I’d love that.”

I’m going to be the best bread baker in the world.



“Right, so you’re kneading it a little too hard,” Jai says. He’s covered in flour, his gaze serious as he stares at my fingers in the sticky dough. He looks like he’s some kind of bread professional, while I’m sure I look completely destroyed. And here I am, in his aunt’s house, just trying to keep my shit together.

When I arrived she gave me a long hug and a kiss on the cheek and then chastised us to not make too much of a mess. Jai is living with her for now, but I know he’s itching to get out.

I glance at my flour-caked hands and shirt, and then at the surrounding countertop that looks like something exploded on it.