Fuck, he looks so damn hot up there.
Ollie is bouncing next to me, his whole body swaying with the beat pounding out of the speakers, but I can’t fucking move. I’m just stuck, watching as he continues to belt out a sensual tune.
This shouldn’t be sexy, but it is. It really fucking is.
I made fun of kids who played in the band in high school, but here I am, getting a hard dick from Alec on stage. From him playing a saxophone.
Something tickles at my memory, but all the blood isn’t in my brain, so I’m having a hard time processing anything at the moment. It’s all just static and lust.
“Alec looks hot up there,” Ollie says loudly in my ear, drawing my gaze down to him for a second.
“He does,” I say, feeling suddenly overly warm. I unbutton another button on my shirt and feel the pounding of my pulse beneath my skin.
“Oh look, it’s that guy from the baking class,” Ollie says and my eyes drift to the guy on stage to Alec’s left and notice Killian looking at us as he bangs his fingers on the keyboard. He looks pretty up there with an open shirt and tight jeans. His eyelids positively sparkle under the lights, and I feel my stomach churn.
“I didn’t know they were in a band together,” Ollie says, and I swallow when I turn my gaze back to Alec and see his eyes on me.
I lift my hand in a silly wave just as Izzy wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes me.
“Sorry, I’m late. Traffic was wretched. But this is so damn cool, right? I wasn’t expecting electronica jazz.”
“Me either,” Ollie says, pulling Izzy into a hug and pressing a kiss to her hair. He places his top hat on Izzy’s head, and she laughs at it.
“What is this?” she asks.
“Got the theme wrong,” Ollie explains.
Her eyes slide over him and she pokes his chest. “Still look good though. I saw a couple guys eyeing you over there. Probably want to get you to speak British to them.”
Ollie swivels his head and he holds out his hand to Izzy, getting a high five in response.
“I can totally do that. I do a great accent. Gonna go shoot my shot while I still look this hot.”
He bounds off, leaving me with Izzy, who is positively glittering. She wraps a hand around my waist, and I see Alec’s eyes settle on where our bodies meet. But before he can stare too long he begins playing once more, leaving my entire body tingling.
A few minutes later, the band finishes their song and moves right into another one, giving the audience what they want. More of whatever the fuck this is.
All I know is I’m digging it. Digging watching Alec on stage, wetting his lips, watching as his body arches back slightly when he hits particularly high notes, the way a drop of sweat moves down his cheek from the heat of the lights.
I don’t see anyone else, can’t seem to wrench my gaze away from him. This is some kind of sexual torture, some kind of edging because the longer he plays up there, the harder I get until I’m practically vibrating with the need to come. Thank god Izzy moves away from me, so I can stand in horny bliss all alone.
My mouth is parched, and I should go to the bar to grab a drink, but I can’t move. I don’t want to move. Thankfully, Izzy hands me an ice-cold drink, and I gulp it down, realizing after it hits my throat that it’s mostly alcohol, which does nothing for the state of my arousal.
Adjusting myself as discreetly as I can, I focus back on the stage. They just finished another song, and Killian steps up to the mic, pulling my gaze away from Alec.
“Thank you all for coming to our show. We have a new song we want to show you all, with an awesome solo by the very sexy Alec.”
My lips tilt down at that because yeah, he’s sexy, but Killian doesn’t need to make everyone else take notice of this.
“This one is calledSkin on Skin.”
My entire body flames at the visions that my mind conjures up at that. My eyes lock onto Alec as he wets his lips once moreand places the sax at his mouth, beginning the sultry tune. I feel my dick start to pulse.
This is becoming quite the emergency.
Ollie appears suddenly and starts waving his arms around dramatically, trying to dance to the tune when a subtle head bob would do.
“Why are you dancing like Kermit the Frog?” I ask with a laugh, thankful that he’s distracted me from my dick exploding in the middle of this crowd.